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Finally the sunlight came again, shortly after the smoky lamp had been extinguished, and I went out of the house, when the chill of the early morning seized me so that for a moment my teeth chattered. The woman followed me. "He do be a dreadful long time dyin'," she said, miserably. I suppose that I was nervous and weary with the two long nights of watching, and lost mastery over myself.

An' the long an' short of it, Lord, is jest this he's a dyin', an' he wants a chance to die with his mind easy, an' nobody else can make it so, so we leave the whole job in your hands, only puttin' in, fur Billy's comfort, thet we recollect hearing how yer forgiv' a dyin' thief, an' thet it ain't likely yer a-goin' to be harder on a chap thet's alwas paid fur what he got. Thet's the whole story.

"If ye lives in the sky, Jesus, that cares for the dyin', take Daddy Skinner and Tessibel " Her eyes dropped to the pan on the floor, against which the stiff body of the toad lay, and she ended, "And Frederick." It was a prayer, a rough prayer, from untaught lips, but through the action which followed, it instantly lost its dignity.

"You could go on the stage and earn fine pay with that whistling of yours," said Will, when he finished. "Others have told me so, too," said the Little Giant, "but I'll never do it. Do you think I'd forget what Uncle Pete said to me on his dyin' bed, an' get out o' patience? What's a matter o' twenty or thirty years?

"I jest told Jonas he must help Olive wash the dishes to-day, for I hain't seen ye for so long I'm just dyin' to have a talk with yer, 'cause I s'pose you'll eat and run while yer here, you know so many folks." "We haven't much to tell about ourselves," said Quincy. "What we want to know is how Fernborough folks are getting along."

"Mattie, sometimes when I'm asleep I think I am back there ag'in and you girls are there an' we're pullin' off the leaves of the wild sunflower 'rich man, poor man, beggar man' and I hear you all laugh when I pull off the last leaf; an' when I come to myself and I'm an old, dried-up woman, dyin' unsatisfied!"

Fethertonge here has brought me papers to sign, but I am not able to hould a pen, or if I was I'd give you a written promise; but you have my solemn word, I fear my dyin' word, in Mr. Fethertonge's presence that you shall have a lease of your farm at the ould rint. It is such tenants as you we want, M'Mahon, an' that we ought to encourage on our property.

I've been just dyin' for a clam chowder ever since we left England." And the next morning we landed at New York. Jim Campbell was at the wharf to meet us. His handshake was a welcome home which was good to feel. He welcomed Hephzy just as heartily.

The voice grew louder; came in front of the house; came into the yard; came and sang just under Cora's window. There it fell silent a moment; then was lifted in a long peal of imbecile laughter, and sang again: "Then slowly, slowly rase she up And slowly she came nigh him, And when she drew the curtain by `Young man I think you're dyin'."

The grizzled head shook a negative. "Be ye dyin?" This time Crabbe's head came forward in assent. "Then ye dies with yer little boy poor little feller! He were the bestest boy in the hull world!" Here she placed an arm under Everett's neck; throwing the other about Lem, she drew the two men together before she resumed. "And Lemmy was the bestest man and pappy that anybody ever see!"