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Even now he says, "Ah! that would ha' upset him if he'd known I should ha' come to this!" But in 1869 Posh thought that he was a very fine fellow indeed, and was not going to be "put upon" by any "guv'nor," no matter how kind the "guv'nor" had been to him. He was half owner of a fine drifter and skipper as well, to say nothing of having designed the boat. He would assert himself. He did.

All the same, it is of you I am thinking . . . I had no right to . . ." "To what, Mike?" "I'm a drifter, Meg, and I'm not ready to be anything else I can't be." "I don't want you to be anything else." Meg's voice and laugh were Love. Her sincere eyes were happily confident. "People who 'walk on their heads' don't make fortunes, beloved."

After the excavation has extended twenty or thirty feet below the surface, it is usual to dig a perpendicular shaft, so as to strike the vein sixty or seventy feet below the surface, and from this point the miner or "drifter" works upward, and as he loosens the rock it falls to the bottom of the shaft, where it is put in the bucket to be hoisted to the surface.

It took Streak two hours to descend the slope leading down into the basin, and when once horse and rider were down, Sanderson dismounted and patted Streak's moist flanks. "Some drop, eh, Streak?" he said. "But it didn't fool us none. We knowed it was some distance, didn't we? An' they ain't foolin' us about the rest of it, are they? The Drifter said to head toward the Big Peak.

The bad ones will begin to drop in on us and use us for headquarters. We got to make an example. We never got the ones that shot Collins or the drifter. Since Quade has been plugged we got to hang somebody. Ain't that straight?" "We got to hang somebody," said Denver Jim. "The point is who?"

"Yes, with his men. I had a long talk with him. He feels pretty good to know that we got here safely with the Monarch II. I told him all about the place where the moving picture man saw Jerry Dawson and the Chinaman. He thinks that is an excellent clew." "I should think it was," said Hiram. "He wants us to try and discover the Drifter.

"What you doin' at the Double A? You ought be herd-ridin' scholars in a district schoolhouse." "Missed my calling," grinned the other. "I got to know too much to teach school, but didn't know enough to let John Barleycorn alone. I'm a drifter, sort of. Been roaming around the north country. Struck the basin about three weeks ago.

Dave had used diligence and haste in getting out of possible sight, for day was breaking. They had reach Brantford, sailed over it, and Dave calculated had skirted the vicinity of Big Moose Woods. Nowhere, however, had lights, a campfire or any other token indicated the camp or rendezvous of the Drifter party. "We are within twenty miles of Brantford," Dave announced.

"M' father was a Texan," Drew said suddenly. "Now that's a right interestin' observation," Kirby remarked. "Heah I was all the time thinkin' you was one of these heah fast-ridin', fine-livin' gentlemen what was givin' some tone to the army. Not jus' 'nother range drifter from the big spaces. What part of Texas you from Brazos?" "Oh, I wasn't born there. You had a war down that way, remember?"

"I doubt if Hiram could manage the machine I even doubt with something wrong with it, as there surely was, if he could keep it adrift," decided Dave. "What then?" The young aviator pictured Hiram and the machine in a tangle among the trees, or dropping upset among the rocks. He had not seen anything of the Dawsons or the Drifter since he had fallen into the water of the bay.