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Updated: August 7, 2024

"Mother, there was a lass I cam to ken in Edinburgh, whan I was a divinity student there, and " "Ay, ay, I ken a' aboot it!" interrupted his mother, eager to spare him; " an ill-faured, designin limmer, 'at micht ha kent better nor come ower the son o' a respectable wuman that gait! Sic like, I doobtna, wad deceive the vera elec'!" "Na, na, mother, she was nane o' that sort!

'And at last, she said, telling his story many years after, 'at last it cam; and ahint it, I doobtna! cam the face o' the bonny man! Things went on in the same way for four years more, the only visible change being that Kirsty seldomer went about bare-footed. She was now between two and three and twenty.

"Weel, what I wad beg o' ye is, that ye tak no further step o' ony consequence, afore ye see Maister Robertson, and mak him acquant wi the haill affair." "I'm vera willin," answered James; "and I doobtna Isy 'ill be content." "Ye may be vera certain, sir, that she'll be naething but pleased: she has a gran' opingon, and weel she may, o' Maister Robertson.

I doobt, O Lord, ye're gauin' to damn me dreidfu'. What guid that'll do ye, O Lord, I dinna ken, but I doobtna ye'll dee what's richt, only I wuss I hed never crossed ye i' yer wull. I kenna what I'm to dee, or what's to be deene wi' me, or whaur ony help's to come frae. I hae tried an' tried to maister the drink, but I was aye whumled.

"The cratur's a born idiot!" he said afterwards to Jean; "an' it's jist a mervel what he's cawpable o'! But, 'deed, there's little to cheese atween Janet an' him! They're baith tarred wi' the same stick." He paused a moment, then added, "They'll dee weel eneuch i' the ither warl', I doobtna, whaur naebody has to haud aff o' themsel's."

"Ye'll get what ye want at such and such place," he would answer, "and I doobtna it'll be as guid as can be made at the siller; but for my ain pairt, ye maun excuse me!" "'Deed, sir, he'll be baith glad and prood to mak ye as guid a pair o' beets as he can compass," answered Maggie. "Jist step in here, sir, and lat him ken what ye want.

"Did she never lat on what there had been atween 's?" "Na, never. She kenned weel what would come o' that!" "What, mother?" "The ootside o' the door." "Think ye she ever tauld onybody?" "Mony ane, I doobtna." "Weel, I dinna believe 't, I hae nae fear but she's been dumb as deith!" "Hoo ken ye that? What for said she never ae word aboot ye til yer ain mither?"

I hae but a feow stitches mair to put intil this same sole! The three o' 's maun tak some sarious coonsel thegither anent the upbringin o' this God-sent bairn! I doobtna but he's come wi' a blessin to this hoose! Eh, but it was a mercifu fittin o' things that the puir bairn and Maggie sud that nicht come thegither! Verily, He shall give his angels chairge over thee!

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