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Charlie passed him, at a little distance, with a laughing lady hitched to his elbow. Her mask swung from her hand the ball was wearing to its end, and masks are hot. The hood of her rose-colored domino had been pushed back from a mass of ruffled black hair; her eyes and teeth gleamed with equal brightness and directness of purpose.

We shall most likely catch him just putting up his horses." The porter turned out to be right. On entering the stable-yard, they found that the empty coach had just driven into it. "You have been taking home a lady in a yellow domino from the masquerade?" said D'Arbino, putting some money into the coachman's hand.

'But, Baron, where is then your domino? It is not yet midnight, she exclaimed, her hand still remaining on Rallywood's arm. 'Listen! von Elmur raised his hand. 'The happy moment arrives when the beautiful faces we long to see He gave the rest of the sentence to the ear of Mademoiselle Selpdorf, who stood silently looking on at the little scene.

I should like to know the mistress of this Sargine; tell me something about him that will enable me to mystify him." This couple, whispering as they watched the young man, became the object of study to the square-shouldered domino. "Dear Monsieur Chardon," said the Prefet of the Charente, taking the dandy's hand, "allow me to introduce you to some one who wishes to renew acquaintance with you "

These include versicles, responses, confiteor, misereatur... indulgentiam... versicles responses. 8. Dominus vobiscum. Et cum spiritu tuo. Oremus, Domine Deus..... Amen. Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo. 9. Benedicamus Domino, Deo Gratias. 10. In choir, the martyrology is here read, 11. Pretiosa... mors.... 12. Sancta Maria et omnes Sancti.... 13.

The person in the domino immediately followed Joey, and accosted him, apologising for his apparent rudeness at receiving his communication, which he ascribed to the suddenness with which it was given, and requested, as a favour, that our hero would inform him why he had thought it necessary.

This is not the case abroad: the domino, which serves for mere concealment, is almost the only dress assumed, and the real disguise is therefore thrown from necessity upon the talents, whatever they be, of the wearer.

There on a marble seat a tall man in a black domino was sitting, his head resting on his hands; and between the loose folds of his satin cloak, one caught the glint of precious stones. When they had passed him Columbine whispered to Harlequin: "That is the King. I caught sight of his jewelled collar."

Cecilia, more and more mortified by this humiliating condescension, again assured him he had been misinformed, and was again, though discredited, praised for her modesty, when, to her great relief, they were interrupted by the entrance of her friend the white domino. "Mortimer," said Mr Delvile, "I understand you have already had the pleasure of seeing this young lady?"

Chatting, we had circled about to the conservatory. A number of couples were there and, through the palms, I saw Elaine and Mephisto laughingly make their way. As my spotted domino partner and I swung around again, I happened to catch another glimpse of the gray friar. He was not dancing, but walking, or rather stalking, about the edge of the room, gazing about as if searching for some one.