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Updated: August 25, 2024

Miss Dixland, I congratulate you. You've got a fine, promisin' young man. "That, to Nate's notion, was about the biggest lie he ever told, but Olivia swallered it for gospel. She seemed to thaw toward Scudder a little mite, but 'twa'n't at a permanent melt, by no means. "'Thank you, Mr. Scudder, says she, still pretty frosty. 'I am full aware of Mr. Tolliver's merits.

"Twice the professor made proclamations that everything was ready, and twice they started that flyin' machine goin'. The fust time Dixland was at the helm, and him and the aeroplane dropped headfust into the sandbank just outside the barn. The machine was underneath, and the pieces of it acted as a fender, so all the professor fractured was his temper.

"'Go out and fly, says Nate to him, pretty average ugly. 'Don't you hear the boss's order? Here, professor, I'll push you to the window. "'Thank you, Scudder, says Dixland. And then turnin' to Gus: 'Well, sir, may I ask why you wait? "'Twas Olivia that answered.

"Then old Dixland announces that he has discovered somethin' wrong in the principle of the thing, and they had to wait while he ordered some new fittin's from Boston. "Meanwhile there was other complications settin' in. Scudder was kept busy providin' grub and such like and helpin' the niece, Olivia, with the housework.

The said uncle kept him that way so's he wouldn't dast to kick at the grub him and Huldy Ann give him, I guess. "'Augustus Tolliver, says old Dixland, noddin'. 'Yes, that is the name. Has he had a sound scientific trainin'? "'Scientific trainin'! says Nate. 'Scientific trainin'? Why, you bet he's had it! That's the only kind of trainin' he HAS had. He'll be just the feller for you, Mr.

Only don't you put your oar in where 'tain't needed. "Lord love you, Gus didn't care about finances. He was so full of joy at bein' made assistant to the great Ansel Whiskers Dixland that he forgot everything else, nerves and all. "So in another day the four of 'em was landed on Ozone Island and so was the freight-car load of crates and boxes.

"'It flies! says she, in a kind of whisper over and over again. 'Oh! it FLIES! "Alongside of her was old Dixland, wrapped in a bedquilt, forgettin' all about sprains and lameness; and he likewise was staring at the sky and sayin' over and over: "'It flies! It really FLIES!

Dixland. "So that was settled, all but notifyin' Augustus. But Scudder sighted another speculation in the offin', and hove alongside of it. "'Mr. Harmon, when he was here, says he, 'he mentioned you needin' a nice, dependable man to live on the island and be sort of general roustabout. My wife bein' away just now, and all, it struck me that I might as well be that man.

Harmon ordered a fifteen-foot-high board fence built all around the house and barn, and made Nate swear not to tell a soul who was comin' nor anything. Dixland might want the island two months, he said, or he might want it two years. Nate didn't care. He was in for good pickin's, and begun to pick by slicin' a liberal commission off that fencebuildin' job.

Maybe old Dixland WOULD disown his niece. If he did, Nate figgered he was as healthy a candidate for adoption as anybody. And Augustus would have to come to terms or stay single. That is, unless him and Olivia got married on nothin' a week, paid yearly. Nate guessed Huldy Ann would think he'd managed pretty well.

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