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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Dull!" echoed Brother Bart, grimly, "dull is it, yer reverence? It's in some divilment they are from morning until night. There's no rule for vacation days, as Mr.

"He's mighty young, Mister Charles is," says my Lord Wellington to me, "He's mighty young, Mr. Free." "He is, my lord," says I; "he's young, as you obsarve, but he's as much divilment in him as many that might be his father." "That's somethin', Mr. Free," says my lord; "ye say he comes from a good stock?"

"In another corner there was a different set, bent on some piece of divilment of their own.

Between times the lads are always larkin' and puttin' up games on each other out of the stock of divilment that won't keep till the next run, each never quite so happy as when he can git the best of a mate on a trade or a wager. "One day little Raven and I galloped over to Lory's place. "'Whatever mischief are you and His Wisdom up to? sings out Lory to Raven, the minute we stopped at his porch.

Murphy shook her head disparagingly. "It was shure some divilment," she asserted, stoutly. "He'll be up to some thrick wid the poor gyurl; Oi know the loikes av him. Shure, the two av yez must look as much aloike as two payes in a pod. Loikely now, it's a twin sister ye've got?" Hope smiled, although her eyes were misty. "Oh, no; Fred and I were the only children; but what shall I do?

Now I'll jist shape me course 'round beyant the harbor an' see if they squid be up to any divilment or no." He made his way inland for about half a mile and then headed southward. As he drew near the line of Chance Along he edged farther away from the coast, deeper into the wilderness of hummocks, frozen bogs and narrow belts of spruce and fir.

"When I was a Brine-Oge,"* said Shane, "I was as wild as an unbroken cowlt no divilment was too hard for me; and so sign's on it, for there wasn't a piece of mischief done in the parish, but was laid at my door and the dear knows I had enough of my own to answer for, let alone to be set down for that of other people; but, any way, there was many a thing done in my name, when I knew neither act nor part about it.

"No more was it Pa; it was that Jude what beat me most to a jelly." This was startling enough to awaken a new interest. Jude was too lazy on general principles to reduce any one to jelly unless the provocation had been great. "What divilment was you up to?" Filmer asked with a leer. "I didn't do nothing! 'Pon my soul, I didn't. I swear!" This Billy did, fervently and fluently. The children of St.

I had reason fer thinkin' that way till I met Annie Bragin. "Time an' agin whin I was blandandherin' in the dusk a man wud go past me as quiet as a cat. 'That's quare, thinks I, 'for I am, or I should be, the only man in these parts. Now what divilment can Annie be up to? Thin I called myself a blayguard for thinkin' such things; but I thought thim all the same.

"Was that all ye did?" said the King. "And how long have ye been at it that way?" "Ever since the day that Mrs. Sullivan threw the dirthy wather on me, as I was passin' the house. But I'm not the only one that's in it. Some of your own people here have helped me, and good they are at divilment too." "And those things was all you did, was they?" said the King.

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