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The friendship of an unquestioned sort that seems to have gone quite out of the world, had all the phases of a more tender sentiment, and goes far towards disproving the charge of coldness that has often been brought against her. It was begun after she had reached the dreaded forties, by the death bed of Mme. de Stael, and lasted more than thirty years.

"Hello," he said coolly, "you're disproving our theory!" She turned her face away from him, touching her eyes with her handkerchief. "Or," he added ironically, "is there another man?" "No," she said without resentment; and there was a certain quality in her voice new to him a curious sweetness that he had never before perceived. "Tell me," he said quietly, "have you really suffered?" "Suffered?

His enemies sometimes said above it; but neither they nor we have any means of proving or disproving that. The deputy protested that he always exercised the utmost precaution in putting everything out every night from the last beery lingerer, to the gas and that he felt quite put out himself at being asked the question, as it implied a doubt of his care and attention to business.

He denied utterly that he had anything to do with the Republican platform drafted by the party leaders in 1854, having refused to meet with the committee or take any part in the organization. "I have no means," he said, " of totally disproving such charges as this. I cannot prove a negative; but have a right to say that, when he makes an affirmative charge, he must offer some proof of its truth.

In this position of the question, we have only two things for which to be profoundly thankful: The first is that we, as living women, are asserted by no one to be composed of more than two parts spirit and body. The second is, that we have in our own hands, at last, the means of finally disposing of this question, by disproving the second assertion.

It is very generally supposed that most great advances in applied science are made by rejecting or disproving the results reached by one's predecessors. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As Huxley has truly said, the army of science has never retreated from a position once gained.

The author of "The Vestiges" thinks that a presumption in its favor may be derived from "the analogy of the inorganic world," in other words, from the supposed conversion of nebulæ into planets and astral systems by the operation of natural causes; but this analogy has been conclusively set aside by disproving the hypothesis on which it depends.

He is one of those people who talk of the 'possibility' of the thing, who think the difficulties of disproving a thing as good as direct evidence in its favour." Again: "It is very strange how most men will do anything to evade responsibility." Later, we were talking of the contrast between Hellene and Hebrew. "The real chosen people," he said, "were the Greeks.

Surely it would be but kind in me towards him, to give him an opportunity of disproving all false and dishonouring conjectures. And why this reserve, when so often, by look and hint, if not by open avowal, he has declared that he loves me, and knows he must know that he is not indifferent to me? Why does he never speak of his parents, his relations, his home?"

If nature, aided by the genius of man, can not now produce the lowest forms of life from matter, how could it ever have been done? Prof. Huxley filled jars with sterilized water, and placed in it sterilized vegetation, and sealed them up, and after 30 years, no life was seen, disproving spontaneous generation.