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During the first day the party journeyed on without any adventures, but the second morning the negro said to the girl, 'Get down, and let the negress ride instead of you. 'Mother, cried Udea. 'What is it? asked her mother. 'Barka wants me to dismount from my camel. 'Leave her alone, Barka, commanded the mother, and Barka did not dare to persist.

A gentleman, dressed in the Highland garb, and having a white cockade in his bonnet, assisted Waverley to dismount from his horse, and with much courtesy bid him welcome to the castle.

You wonder whether they've caught anybody. Overhead you hear the purr of engines a flight of aeroplanes breasting the clouds. Behind you observation balloons hang stationary, like gigantic tethered sausages. If you're riding, you dismount before you reach the ridge and send your horse back; the Hun country is in sight on the other side.

Upon this I approached alone and made signs for them to dismount and lay down their arms. They did so, and at another sign withdrew in a body, when my men picked up everything and collected their ponies. I was certainly surprised at such a bloodless result of my strategy, and, after shaking hands with the chief, began my return march to camp.

The visit was such a cordial and pleasant one that we found it very difficult to part from our newly made friends. After bidding the officers a hearty adieu and mounting my horse I was urged to dismount and say another farewell a request which was responded to with pleasure.

Yet the way was beautiful enough and nothing very unpleasant was happening to her. Once she dropped the envelope of her mother's letter and was about to dismount and recover it. Then some strange impulse made her leave it on the sand of the desert. What if they should be lost and that paper should guide them back?

Frank tried his best to remain near his father, but he was perfectly helpless, and had to go as his horse was slowly forced along, till he was several yards away from the carriage door, at which he could still see the prisoner watching him as if thinking only of the safety of his boy, while the captain was still farther away, using his pistol to keep off attempts made to dismount him.

Then the gates closed behind them, and before them was a skinny little man who bowed low and said in a sad voice, "If you will be so obliging as to dismount, it will give me pleasure to lead you into the presence of the World's Most Mighty Ruler, Vig the Czarover." "I don't believe it!" said Dorothy indignantly. "What don't you believe?" asked the man.

They were caught like birds in a trap. No hope! no escape! Nothing left for it now, but to die red-handed. He dashed into the house with the old hut-keeper and shut the door. The black lad ran up to a little rocky knoll within two hundred yards of the house, and, hiding himself, watched what went on. He saw the bushrangers ride up to the door and dismount.

By the heads of the horses two forms arose suddenly like gnomes from the earth, and a scream escaped Peggy's lips as a hoarse voice shouted: "You are our prisoners! Dismount instantly." "Say, what is honor! 'Tis the finest sense Of justice which the human mind can frame, Intent each lurking frailty to disclaim, And guard the way of life from all offense Suffered or done." Wordsworth.