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Updated: August 8, 2024

But, Law bless you, I promise you, he punished my champagne, and had a party ere every night reglar tip-top swells, down from the clubs and the West End Capting Ragg, the Honorable Deuceace, who lives in the Temple, and some fellers as knows a good glass of wine, I warrant you. I've got a Doctor of Diwinity upstairs, five gents in the coffee-room, and Mrs.

The same set meet every night at supper: there are seldom any ladies; those who come are chiefly French ladies, members of the corps de ballet. He wins often, but not always. Lord Deuceace is a very fine player. The Chevalier Elliot, the English Minister, sometimes comes, on which occasion the secretaries do not play.

Didn't I lend you twenty sovereigns the other night to pay our losings to Dawkins? Didn't you swear, on your honor as a gentleman, to give me half of all that might be won in this affair?" "Agreed, sir," says Deuceace; "agreed." "Well, sir, and now what have you to say?"

This is MY style: artyfiz I despise, and trust compleatly to natur: but revnong a no mootong, as our continential friends remark: to that nice white sheep, Algernon Percy Deuceace, Exquire; that wenrabble old ram, my Lord Crabs his father; and that tender and dellygit young lamb, Miss Matilda Griffin.

Was Deuceace sincere in his professions of love, or was he only a sharper wooing her for her money? Could she doubt her informer? his own father, and, what's more, a real flesh and blood pear of parlyment? She determined she would try him. Praps she did not know she had liked Deuceace so much, until she kem to feel how much she should HATE him if she found he'd been playing her false.

And this exlnt noblemin began laffin louder than ever: a very kind and feeling genlmn he was, as all must confess. There was a paws: and Mrs. Deuceace didn begin cussing and swearing at her husband as he had done at her: she only said, "O Algernon! is this true?" and got up, and went to a chair and wep in quiet. My lord opened the great box.

"Recollect, from this day you are in my service." "My lord, you overpoar me with your faviors." "Go to the devil, sir," says he: "do your duty, and hold your tongue." And thus I went from the service of the Honorabble Algernon Deuceace to that of his exlnsy the Right Honorabble Earl of Crabs.

Well, whatever the pint might be, this Deuceace saw pretty clear that he'd been beat by his father at his own game a trapp set for him onst, which had been defitted by my presnts of mind another trap set afterwids, in which my lord had been suxesfle. Now, my lord, roag as he was, was much too good-natured to do an unkind ackshn, mearly for the sake of doing it.

I may as well give both of these documence, of which I happen to have taken coppies: I. "TEMPLE, Tuesday. "Mr. DEUCEACE presents his compliments to Mr. Dawkins, and begs at the same time to offer his most sincere apologies and regrets for the accident which has just taken place. "May Mr.

You would have thought to have sean 'em that they had been married a sentry, at least. Well, I bust in upon this conjugal tator-tator, and said, very much alarmed, "My lord, here's your son and daughter-in-law." "Well," says my lord, quite calm, "and what then?" "Mr. Deuceace!" says my lady, starting up, and looking fritened. "Yes, my love, my son; but you need not be alarmed.

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