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He saw well enough that Helen Darley would certainly kill herself or lose her wits, if he could not lighten her labors and lift off a large part of her weight of cares. The worst of it was, that she of those women who naturally overwork themselves, like those horses who will go at the top of their pace until they drop. Such women are dreadfully unmanageable.

As they passed over the bridge, the wounded men clanged to the gates, and two of them took their places on the tower above, while, as the party tramped across and turned to descend the zigzag, a thought came to Mark, and he turned back to glance at the window of his bed-chamber, as he wished that Ralph Darley were uninjured and marching by his side to help in the rescue of his father and sister.

All the suspicions of the little white haired old lady seemed to be revived by Sydney's manner of receiving the intelligence she gave him. "Maybe I've made a mistake about it," she said, pinching nervously at the edges of a white apron she wore. "It may be another man of the same name." "Is this Maurice Darley dead?" asked Sydney, paying no attention to her disturbed equanimity. "I don't know.

So the unbeautiful get many more lovers than the beauties; only, as there are more of them, their lovers are spread thinner and do not make so much show. The young master stood looking at Helen Darley with a kind of tender admiration. She was such a picture of the martyr by the slow social combustive process, that it almost seemed to him he could see a pale lambent aureole round her head.

Horace Carey did not dream that his confidence and good will that day were turning the balances for Darley Champers for the remainder of his life. Champers was by nature a ferret, and Carey's parting words took root and grew in his mind. The May rains that had flooded Grass River and its tributaries did worse for Clover Creek in Ohio a few days later.

Elsie would have been burned for a witch in old times. I have seen the girl look at Miss Darley when she had not the least idea of it, and all at once I would see her grow pale and moist, and sigh, and move round uneasily, and turn towards Elsie, and perhaps get up and go to her, or else have slight spasmodic movements that looked like hysterics; do you believe in the evil eye, Doctor?" "Mr.

Bernard had been dreaming, as young men dream, of gliding shapes with bright eyes and burning cheeks, strangely blended with red planets and hissing meteors, and, shining over all, the white, un-wandering star of the North, girt with its tethered constellations. After breakfast he walked into the parlor, where he found Miss Darley.

Or could it be that she felt that all earthly interests were becoming of little account to her, and wished to place herself right with one to whom she had displayed a wayward movement of her unbalanced imagination? She welcomed Mr. Bernard as quietly as she had received Helen Darley.

"Lay hold of my nag's mane, Darley," he shouted to the prisoner, who held up his bound hands, and caught at the dense mass of hair, succeeding in holding on, while Mark now drew his sword. "Oh Mark!" cried his sister, "is there any danger?" "Not if you sit fast," he cried. "Can you keep up if we canter?" "Try," said the prisoner excitedly. "If not, go on, and save yourselves."

I shall have to be put to bed, I expect, in the same room with young Ralph Darley." "Then I shan't come," said the boy, scowling. "Why?" "'Cause I don't like him, and I don't like to see his father and their girl took there as if they were friends." "They are now, Dum, and there isn't going to be any more fighting in the vale."