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Updated: August 10, 2024

"A price! Huh! If there is, I'll wager that it is a cut-rate price. Good-night! I am going back to bed." Emma Dean turned her back on them and flounced off to her tent. "I don't believe it. Your rescuer was drawing the long bow," spoke up Anne Nesbit. "Yes, I can't imagine Hippy with a price on his head," nodded Miss Briggs.

But later, when the incompetence of the new officials became the mocking gibe of the service, and the cut-rate avalanche of traffic had doubled all men's tasks, the flames rose higher, and out of the smoke of them loomed the shape of the dread demon of demoralization.

The walls, too, were tempered of their whiteness by brown prints of the "Coliseum by Night," "The Age of Innocence," and Watt's "Hope," blindfolded, atop the world. These pictures had been shopped one Saturday afternoon at the cut-rate department store and were largely Zoe's choice, happily corroborated by Lilly. "Remarkable selections for a miss," said the clerk.

What are we running here, anyway: a cloak and suit business or a cut-rate ticket office?" "Don't you worry about her, Abe," Morris replied. "She's got her cashbook and daybook posted and she also got it a substitute. He's coming this afternoon." "He's coming?" Abe said. "So she got it a young feller, Mawruss?" "Well, Abe," Morris replied, "what harm is there in that?

Matters are approaching a crisis. The cut-rate boom is about to collapse, and there is trouble brewing in the labor organizations. If Bucks doesn't get his henchmen out of it pretty soon, they will be involved in the smash which will be bad for them and for him, politically." "I developed most of that a good while ago," Kent cut in. "Yes; I know. But there is more to follow.

Some years ago Jonadab got reckless and went on a cut-rate excursion to the World's Fair out in Chicago, and ever sence then he's been comparing things with the "Manufacturers' Building" or the "Palace of Agriculture" or "Streets of Cairo," or some other outlandish place. "All right," says I. "Darn the torpedoes! Keep her as she is! You can fire when ready, Gridley!"

Thus the New Dawn lost a subscriber, though not losing, it should be said, a reader. For Sharon Whipple, having irately stopped his subscription by a letter in which the editor was told he should be ashamed of himself for calling George Washington a crook that way, thereafter bought the magazine hurriedly at the Cut-Rate Pharmacy and read every word of it in secret places not under his roof.

As the time sped by he was able to visualize the play; he was sitting in the audience he beheld the changing scenes and the tense climax. He even began to speculate upon the particular star that would be fitted for the leading part. His one extravagance, in the past, had been cut-rate seats in the best theatres.

"I like them so much that when I think of them I know that there's one thing worse than having a cut-rate literary salon, and that's to be too respectable " "Too Upper-West-Side!" " to dare to eat bread and milk out of blue bowls." "Yes, I think I shall have to admit you to the Blue Bowl League, Mr. Ericson. Speaking of which Tell me, who did introduce us, you and me?

I wouldn't go trotting back there on a cut-rate excursion, let alone making a pilgrimage to the sacred, I mean scared, spot. That's the way it looks, you know; as though it had once tried to grow and then been frightened out of it. I never was so glad in all my life as when Pa said we'd kiss that town good-bye. I could see that I'd never make my everlasting fortune there as a lawyer."

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