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And, first and foremost, I never remember to see family honour stand a man in much stead in a court of law never saw family honour stand against an execution, or a custodiam, or an injunction even. 'Tis a rare thing, this same family honour, and a very fine thing; but I never knew it yet, at a pinch, pay for a pair of boots even," added Sir Terence, drawing up his own with much complacency.

Scores of times they called me 'Reverend Mother. 'Open the door, I humbly pray you, Reverend Mother, pleaded Mother Sub-Prioress at the keyhole. 'Dixi: Custodiam vias meas, chanted Mary Antony, in a beauteous voice! . . . 'Open, open, Reverend Mother! besought a multitude without.

Ideoque nos proevidemus expedire, propter pacis caritatisque custodiam, in Abbatis pendere arbitrio ordinationem monasterii sui. . . . St. Benedict had more than apprehended; he had actually foreseen that the Abbot ought to manage his own monastery. This was the thought that paralyzed Mark's tongue when it was his turn to speak, and this was why he would not commit himself to an opinion.

'But it's not a matter of certainty that my Lady Rackrent won't recover, says Jason. 'Very true, sir, says my master. 'It's a fair speculation, then, for you to consider what the chance of the jointure of those lands, when out of custodiam, will be to you. 'Just five hundred a year, I take it, without any speculation at all, said Sir Condy.

'That's supposing the life dropt, and the custodiam off, you know; begging your pardon, Sir Condy, who understands business, that is a wrong calculation. 'Very likely so, said Sir Condy; 'but, Mr. Jason, if you have anything to say to me this morning about it, I'd be obliged to you to say it, for I had an indifferent night's rest last night, and wouldn't be sorry to sleep a little this morning.

"For the hope of Israel, I am bound with this chain." "Quemadmedum cadem catean et custodiam et militem copulat; sic ista, quae tam dissimilia sunt, pariter incedunt." Seneca, Ep. v. "Proconsul estimare solet, utrum in carcerera recipienda sit persona, an militi tradenda." Ulpian. l. i. sect. De Custod. et Exhib. Reor.

"I'll thank you if you'll only show me how," says Sir Condy. "There's but one way," says Jason, "and that's ready enough: when there's no cash, what can a gentleman do, but go to the land?" "How can you go to the land, and it under custodiam to yourself already," says Sir Condy, "and another custodiam hanging over it? and no one at all can touch it, you know, but the custodees."

In the spring it was the villain that got the list of the debts from him brought down the custodiam, Sir Condy still attending his duty in parliament, and I could scarcely believe my own old eyes, or the spectacles with which I read it, when I was shown my son Jason's name joined in the custodiam; but he told me it was only for form's sake, and to make things easier than if all the land was under the power of a total stranger.

Rex in sua acie Scotos et Muranenses retinuit, nonnullos etiam de militibus Anglis et Francis ad sui corporis custodiam deputavit." Aelred, De Bello Standardii, Migne, Patrologia Latina, vol. cxcv, col. 702-712.

"That's supposing the life dropt, and the custodiam off, you know; begging your pardon, Sir Condy, who understands business, that is a wrong calculation." "Very likely so," said Sir Condy; "but Mr. Jason, if you have any thing to say to me this morning about it, I'd be obliged to you to say it, for I had an indifferent night's rest last night, and wouldn't be sorry to sleep a little this morning."