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Then from her own nook by the fireplace she opened her heart to him: "It's not just that Trevors has crippled me by taking all of my milkers away; not just that he has come near doing I don't know how much harm in having Crowdy turn those calves with the lung-worm out into the fields with the others; not just that during the last few months, he has lost money for us right and left; not just that Benny, the cook, has tried to fire the range."

During the first half of the scholastic day Ballingall's shouts and pounces were for parents to listen to, but after his dinner of crowdy, which is raw meal and hot water, served in a cogie, or wooden bowl, languor overcame him and he would sleep, having first given out a sum in arithmetic and announced: "The one as finds out the answer first, I'll give him his licks."

"With Crowdy down, if we know who one of these men is, the rest will be easy. Who is he?" "A bad egg," Lee told her gravely. "He's done time in the State pen. He's been out less than a year. Gunman, stick-up man, convicted once already for manslaughter . . ." "Not Chris Quinnion, Bud Lee!" she cried excitedly. "Not Chris Quinnion!" "Sh!" he commanded softly.

When I go, Bill Crowdy goes with me! He's going to talk, and he's going to help me send Bayne Trevors to the pen." Bud Lee expressed all he had to say in a silent whistle. He'd made another mistake, that was all. Judith wasn't going to faint for him to-night. "Then," he said presently, setting her the example, "slip some fresh cartridges into your rifle and get ready for more shooting.

Judith, coming to the bunk-side just before she left, assured him very gently that she would send Doc Tripp to him immediately and, further, that she would telephone into Rocky Bend for a physician. Crowdy, like Shorty, refused to talk. "Aw, hell," he grunted as Lee demanded what influence had brought him with Shorty and Quinnion into this mad project, "let me alone, can't you?"

There had been no Goose with a bitterer tongue than Crowdy; but now in these days a spirit of quiescence had fallen on him; and though he spoke as often as ever, he did not wield so deadly a tomahawk. Then there was the burly Buggins, than whom no Goose had a more fluent use of his vernacular. He was not polished as Robinson, nor had he ever possessed the exquisite keenness of Crowdy.

The key safely in Judith's possession, Shorty was left to his own thoughts while Judith, and Hampton went to the house. In answer to Judith's call, Doc Tripp came without delay, left brief, disconcerting word that without the shadow of a doubt the hogs were stricken with cholera, and went on with his little bag to see what his skill could do for Bill Crowdy.

The liberal party to which he had joined himself did not dare to stand without him; but yet, if the whispers that got abroad were true, they would only too gladly have dispensed with him. He was terrible as a friend; but then he could be more terrible as a foe. Then there was Crowdy, Crowdy, whose high-flown ideas hardly tallied with the stern realities of his life.

You can come to the office for your pay to-night." Crowdy shrugged his shoulders and turned away. "If I'm fired," he growled in that ugly voice which was so fitting a companion to that ugly mouth of his, "I quit right now. Get some of your other Willies to turn your calves out." For a moment, in the heat of her anger, Judith's quirt was lifted as though she would strike him.

Bill Crowdy, a heavy, squat figure of a man, shifty-eyed, with hard mouth and a nervous, restless air, came down a long hallway, smoking a cigarette. His eyes rested with no uncertain dislike upon Judith's eager face. "I'm Crowdy," he said. "Want me?" "I told Masters to tell you to stop the sulphur treatment for the lung-worm calves. Hasn't he told you?" "Mr.