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Updated: August 8, 2024

Alcide Jolivet, at this burst of anger, laughed as he had never laughed before. "But the poor devil is quite right!" he cried. "He is perfectly right, my dear fellow. It is not his fault if we did not know how to follow him!" Then drawing several copecks from his pocket, "Here my friend," said he, handing them to the iemschik; "take them. If you have not earned them, that is not your fault."

Inside the scarf lay a mass of coins, copecks, ten, twenty hundreds of them, and roubles round and heavy. She fingered them tenderly, one after the other, then thrust them aside. "To-morrow " she said, "I have come to that to live on a gypsey's wages! I can sing no longer; I can only dance and pass the cap and give the copecks for bread for bread!

Then, turning to an isvostchik, he called out, "To the Dvoryanskaya 30 copecks; I never give more." "All right, your honour; here you are." "Good-afternoon. If I can be of any use, my address is House Dvornikoff, on the Dvoryanskaya; it's easy to remember." And he bowed in a friendly manner as he got into the trap and drove off.

Be on your guard." "Do we owe him anything?" asked Foma. "Of course! We haven't paid yet for the barge, and then fifty five-fathom beams were taken from him not long ago. If he wants everything at once don't give. A rouble is a sticky thing; the longer it turns about in your hand, the more copecks will stick to it.

A great deal of hemp and flax is raised upon the steppe, and we found rope abundant, cheap, and good. I bought ten fathoms of half-inch rope for forty copecks, a peasant bringing it to a house where we breakfasted. When I paid for it the mistress of the house quietly appropriated ten copecks, remarking that the rope maker owed her that amount.

Indifferent, paying no attention to the jostling, she is stoutly going straight into the very dregs of life, singing her songs at the top of her voice, her dark eyes fixed in the distance before her. Foma hears tumult, howls, laughter, drunken shouts, irritable disputes about copecks songs and sobs hover over this enormous restless heap of living human bodies crowded into a pit.

In the year 1840, a great many families went to Kherson for the same purpose, but a considerable number of them on their arrival found their plans frustrated. They were most kindly treated, it is true, by His Excellency the Governor of Wilna. Every adult received forty-eight copecks banco assignations, and every child half that sum.

Michael stood aside in the shadow, and without being seen himself he could see and hear all that was going on. He would now hear interesting news, and would find out whether or not he could enter Kolyvan. Blount, having distanced his companion, took possession of the wicket, whilst Alcide Jolivet, contrary to his usual habit, stamped with impatience. "Ten copecks a word," said the clerk.

The dancer made a little rush forward, gave a spring in the air and then bowed, snatching off the cap. "Messieurs Mesdames!" She held the cap in her two hands, eagerly, pleadingly, and the silver fell into it. Copecks ten twenty hundreds of them, and roubles, round and heavy; they clinked as they fell. "I thank you!" cried the gypsey, "Good-bye, Messieurs Mesdames! Au revoir!"

I could not take one as a gift; but I looked through his old books and there found, in a tattered condition, The Red Laughter, by Leonid Andreef, a drama by Gorky, a long poem by Skitaletz, and a most interesting account of Chekhof's life by Kouprin, all of which I bought after a short haggle for fivepence, twenty copecks.

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