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I may be singular in the fancy, but, do you know, I prefer civil words to be accompanied with civil deeds, and contrariwise: the "poison of asps" does not go well with honied accents! "Pray take a seat, Mr Lorton," said Mrs Clyde. "I was expecting you to call; and waited in, on purpose not to miss seeing you.

Still holding out her sunbonnet in wide distention, she slowly set forth along the path, not even turning back, for sheer perversity, as she saw Ben look anxiously over his shoulder to descry if she followed in the distance. "Thar ain't much good in life nohow. Things seem set contrariwise."

Don't, my lady, be angry with me; but I daren't undertake the errand. It's clear as day that it will be a wild goose chase. What's more, it will do him no good; but will, contrariwise, heap disgrace upon his own head! Our Mr. Chia She is now so stricken in years, that in all his actions he unavoidably behaves somewhat as a dotard.

Whereas, contrariwise, the close and reserved living of noblemen and gentlemen, causeth a penury of military forces. By all means it is to be procured, that the trunk of Nebuchadnezzar's tree of monarchy, be great enough to bear the branches and the boughs; that is, that the natural subjects of the crown or state, bear a sufficient proportion to the stranger subjects, that they govern.

This is to emphasize the fact that the first halves of areas below the X-Y line are really reactions from the extravagance, inefficiency and corruption which existed during the latter half of the preceding "prosperity" area. Contrariwise, the first halves of areas above the X-Y line are really reactions from the economy, industry and righteousness developed during the hard times just preceding.

It has been long admitted that the frontal part may serve as a measure of intellectual capacity; but we must allow, contrariwise, that there are other regions, "principally a center located under the protuberance at the top of the head, which is very much developed in all men of genius whose brains have been studied down to our day.

Nothing but phrases. It was all a game. They made everything polite. Just as in music and even more than in music, which was a younger art in France, and therefore relatively more simple they were terrified of anything that had been "already said." The most gifted of them coldly devoted themselves to working contrariwise.

We have already satisfied ourselves that morality is not based on religion, but contrariwise that religion is built on the sanctified emotions of the human heart, that is on the moral ideal "a new church founded on moral science" and as to theology, I should not waste my time in attempting to show that morality is not based on that. But it will be worth our while to show that Mr.

"Were any one to go with him, he'll contrariwise not get the flowers." Li Wan nodded her head. "Yes!" she assented, and then went on to direct a waiting-maid to bring a vase, in the shape of a beautiful girl with high shoulders, to fill it with water, and get it ready to put the plum blossom in. "And when he comes back," she felt induced to add, "we must recite verses on the red plum."

But contrariwise, and if thou lose, then thy loss is heaven, glory, God, Christ, ease, peace, and whatever else which tendeth to make eternity comfortable to the saints; besides, thou procurest eternal death, sorrow, pain, blackness, and darkness, fellowship with devils, together with the everlasting damnation of thy own soul. The Second Motive.