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Laughter, he read and believed, was a sign of good moral health, and he laughed on contentedly, till Lilia's marriage toppled contentment down for ever. Italy, the land of beauty, was ruined for him. She had no power to change men and things who dwelt in her. She, too, could produce avarice, brutality, stupidity and, what was worse, vulgarity.

Uncle Tim used to be the village shoemaker, hammering away at his lap-stone in that little shop with the red eaves, as contentedly as if he owned a kingdom. He always had a pleasant smile and a merry story for his customers, and it was worth twice the money one paid him, to see his sunshiny face and hear his hearty laugh. But the light of Uncle Tim's eyes was his little daughter Kitty.

"I will ask him, when the time comes," said Thorold, contentedly. His tone was perfect; both modest and manly. Truth to say, I could not quite share his content, in looking forward to the time he spoke of; but that was far ahead, and it was impossible not to share his confidence.

But at home all remained the same, only that by the help of Hannibal our garden increased in beauty and productiveness to a wonderful extent, and Pomp and I revelled in the abundance of the fruit. I used to look at the boy and his father, and wonder how it was possible for them to have settled down so contentedly.

Then he went to the door, with his easy, rather long steps, and disappeared. They heard his steps in the inner hall. Then a door closed overhead. Mrs. Baxter contentedly poured herself out another cup of tea. "Poor boy," she said. "He's thinking of that girl still. I'm glad he's got something to occupy his mind." The end room, on the first floor, was Laurie's possession.

"Than you, Fräulein." The girl leaned back contentedly against the wall, and Max continued: "Yes, his lordship was kind to me, and most gracious. I cannot believe the stories of cruelty I hear of him. I have been told that on different occasions he has used personal violence on his wife and daughter.

Carr had wept over her daughter's woes and returned her, a sullen saint, to the arms of the discreetly repentant Charley; but to-day, while the four older children were bribed to good behaviour with bread and damson preserves in the pantry, and the baby was contentedly playing with his rubber ring in his mother's arms, Gabriella had passionately declared that "Jane must never, never go back!"

When he extinguished the lamp and lay down in bed it was pleasant, after the heat in Rohar, to find it so cool that he was obliged to pull a blanket over him. Only those who have endured the torment of hot nights in the tropics can appreciate his thankfulness as in the silence broken only by the monotonous cry of the nightjars he drowsed contentedly to sleep.

"What an absurd question, John," replied the girl, laughing softly and contentedly. "Why else am I here? Tell me, think you, John, should I be here if I were not willing and eager to to keep that promise?" "Will you go with me notwithstanding your father's hatred of my house?" he asked. "Ah, truly that I will, John," she answered; "surely you know I will go with you." "Let us go at once.

"Oceans," he said contentedly. "Well, I'll collect the twins and Connie and we will try to think up a few additions. Where's the money?" "In the dungeon, and the key is on the nail above the door. And the silverware is there, too," with another significant glance. After that, Prudence lay back happily on the pillows and smoothed the lace on her mother's silk dressing gown.