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"Why do you suppose they keep him out there?" "He's there of his own free will, right enough," Jerry said. But I didn't think so. We were still confabbing over the letter, and explaining bits to Greg, who was hopelessly mystified, when Mother came out to transplant some columbine that had wandered into the lawn. We did a quick secret consultation and then decided to let her in on the Castaway.

Vava's heart sank; but Doreen said in her loud cheery voice, 'Hallo, you there! What are you all confabbing about so mysteriously? Nice manners that! she wound up purposely. 'Oh we can't all have the manners of your friend Lady Clara Vere de Vere! I wonder she condescends to talk to you or come to our school at all with the people of our class, said one of the girls.

"You stopped confabbing long enough tonight," she said. "Yes," he answered, going to the back kitchen to wash his hands. In a few minutes he came and sat down to his dinner. The doors were shut close, but there was a draught, because the settling of the mines under the house made the doors not fit. Aaron moved his chair, to get out of the draught. But he still sat in his shirt and trousers.

"I like the city better in lots of ways, but, altogether, I guess I'd rather live in Berwick." "What are you two confabbing about?" sang out a voice, and Dolly, with Ted Hosmer, came gliding up and stopped in front of Dot and young Knapp.

"Whatever their object might be, however, I distrusted them in every way, believing them, indeed, actuated by other motives than such as might be prompted by their political aspirations, my suspicions being confirmed by the looks and bearing of the gang, who seemed capable of any atrocity, judging them by their villainous faces and generally hang- dog appearance, besides which they were continually whispering together amongst themselves, and consorting and confabbing with the mulattoes and other coloured men belonging to the crew.

At the next table half a dozen spectacled, long-coated men, who look as though they might be university professors, are confabbing earnestly. And at the next table and the next and the next and so on, until the aggregate runs into big figures are family groups grandsires, fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles and children, on down to the babies in arms.

"I won't have that crew around here, and I won't have my employees confabbing with them. I don't care what you tell them, or how you fix it, but you keep them out of here. Understand? I hate the sight of one of those fellows worse than a poison-snake!" Merker glanced from Welton to the ranger and back again perplexed. "But but " he stammered. "I've known Ross Fletcher a long time. What can I say "

I judged they were coming from a council meeting in the town hall, which stood in the middle of the wide High Street. There was much high debate, wagging of fingers and smiting of fist in palm, but no approach to the tumult and terror of yesternight. The Mayor stood for a moment confabbing at the door of a grocery, and then shot into it.

If you'd only do the big stuff you're capable of doing, you'd be 'in it' right enough half the time confabbing with singers and conductors, and the other half glad to get back to your green fields and the blessed quiet. If you were like me, now not a damn bit of good because I've no technical knowledge . . ."

"Beastly nuisance; Hukm hai," he explained in response to Roy's glance of inquiry. "Collins says it's a bit inflamed. I've been confabbing with Paul over the deferred wedding. But, of course, there's no chance of things settling down, unless we declare martial law.