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Updated: August 6, 2024

Seventy-two, I say, but in all that company of puffed and powdered, coifed and combed young ladies, standing tall and uncomfortable on their ridiculously high-heeled shoes, one alone was simply dressed and apparently unaffected by the gorgeousness of her companions, the seventy-second and youngest of them all. She was a girl of fourteen.

Love, or the Countess and the Serf, by J. Sheridan Knowles I see that still as the blazonry of one of them, just as I see Miss Emily Mestayer, large, red in the face, coifed in a tangle of small, fine, damp-looking short curls and clad in a light-blue garment edged with swans-down, shout at the top of her lungs that a "pur-r-r-se of gold" would be the fair guerdon of the minion who should start on the spot to do her bidding at some desperate crisis that I forget.

It was a strange comparison, for the girl was extravagantly dressed in costly materials and brilliant colours, her hair coifed in the foolish French fashion of the day; and yet, despite it all, she looked a nun.

The place was frankly third-class, with a large sign stating that boarders were wanted by the day or week. On the porch were young women coifed according to the latest and most extreme bushiness and young men with their feet on the railing, socks and toothpicks much in evidence. Josie noted the address: 126 East Centre Street. She also noted the odors that exuded from the basement dining room.

"Look, Marilla," she said sorrowfully, holding up the flowers before the eyes of a grim lady, with her hair coifed in a green gingham apron, who was going into the house with a plucked chicken, "these are the only buds the storm spared . . . and even they are imperfect. I'm so sorry . . . I wanted some for Matthew's grave. He was always so fond of June lilies."

Mammy, coifed and kerchiefed, came down the stairs and through the house. "O my Lawd! Hit's my baby! O glory be! Singin' jes' lak he uster sing, layin' in my lap mammy singin' ter him, an' he singin' ter mammy! O Marse Jesus! let me look at him " "Beau chevalier qui partez pour la guerre, Qu'allez-vous faire Si loin de nous? Judith ran down the steps and over the grass, through the storm.

Do you mean to say, then, that I should not be allowed to leave here?" "No, you would not be permitted to. Vows are not toys to be broken at will." "A year is a long time," murmured Magda. The eyes beneath the coifed brow with its fine network of wrinkles were adamant. "The body must be crucified that the soul may live," returned the cold voice unflinchingly.

Sometimes you see an iron ring hanging to a string that has been passed through a hole in the door. And what a variety of ancient knockers have we here! Many are mere bars of iron hanging to a ring; but others are much more artistic, showing heads coifed in the style of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, serpents biting their own tails, and all manner of fanciful ideas wrought into iron.

A stately curtained bed, a toilet table with swinging mirror, bearing many of the ornaments and beauty-helpers of an elderly belle, and countless accumulations which spoke her former state in the world, made this an English bower in a French fort. Her dull yellow hair was coifed in the fashion of the early Stuarts.

How serene does she now arise, a queen among the Pleiades, in the penultimate antelucan hour, shod in sandals of bright gold, coifed with a veil of what do you call it gossamer.

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