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These, and the hedges of cypress and cane, which we occasionally saw, began to give an Italian character to this part of France. The adjoining part of the vale of the Durance is called the district of the Cheval Blanc, and, like its namesake, the vale of White Horse in Berks, is celebrated for its fertility. To Lambesc twelve miles.

I am hungry. I am cold. So much the better. I suffer what the people are suffering. Decidedly horse is not good for me. Yet I ate some. It gives me the gripes. I avenged myself at dessert with the following distich: Mon diner m'inquiete et meme me harcele, J'ai mange du cheval et je songe a la selle. The Prussians are bombarding Saint Denis. January 2. Daumier and Louis Blanc lunched with us.

We saw him kneeling at the bedside, we saw him with her hand in his, and Helene was drawing me gently out of the room and closing the door behind her. She did not look at me, nor I at her. We stood for a moment close together, and suddenly the cries in the street brought us back from the drama in the low-ceiled, reeking room we had left. "Ici! Ici! Voici le cheval!"

"It is a little one," said he, "but I know it of old for a good one; Les Trois Poissons. But what is this writ up? I mind not this;" and he pointed to an inscription that ran across the whole building in a single line of huge letters. "Oh, I see. 'Ici on loge a pied et a cheval," said Denys, going minutely through the inscription, and looking bumptious when he had effected it.

En passant devant une groupe des grenadiers Russes massacrès, le cheval d'un Aide-de-Camp avoit peur. Le Prince l'appercevait: "Ce cheval, lui dit il, froidement, est un lache."

There in the wardrobe hung those wonderful robes pink and blue and many-tinted. There was the jewel case, silver clasped; and a hundred rings on the dressing table. There was a cheval glass, that miracle of art, in which he could just see his own wondering head, and the reflection of Dolly, plumping and patting the pillows of the bed. Poor lonely little benighted boy!

Go upstairs now and take your things off, and after dinner you shall tell us all your story." And arm-in-arm the two girls left the room, "like twin cherries on a stalk." The resemblance between them was bewildering; every line of feature, every tone of colouring was the same. "Let us stand together before this cheval glass," said Gwladys, "and have a good look at each other.

For example, there is a proverb in German: "Quand le cheval est sellé il faut le monter;" in French there is a proverb: "Quand le vin est tiré il faut le boire." Well, a translator who would translate quand le cheval, etc., by quand le vin, etc., is an ass, and does not know his business.

Ha I guess so!" "Where's that Bleriot the Sergeant said we must bring back? I was in it when when the Boches or or the devil got me." "That Bleriot, like yourself, mon comrade, is in the hospital; that is, the repair shop." This from Monsieur Cheval, still wearing his right arm in a sling, though now divested of splints. "Oh!"

Did she smile at Jean Jacques because, as they came toward the Manor, she saw George Masson in the distance by the flume, and in that moment decided to keep her promise and meet him at a secluded point on the river-bank at sunset after supper? The pensiveness of a summer evening on the Beau Cheval was like a veil hung over all the world.