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'There need be no scene. May they be locked, dear Mrs. Featherstone? He has said too much to be silent any longer: he must speak now! Caffyn stepped lightly to the doors which opened into the music-room; the key was on his side, and he turned it. The last notes of 'My Queen' were sounding as he did so, they could hear the sweep and rustle of dresses as the couples passed.

Caffyn did not give up even then he tried one last probe: 'Of course, he said; 'I forgot, your husband kept him so completely in the dark about it all eh, Mark? Why, when you got him to come down to Wastwater with me, he had no idea what festivities were in preparation had he?

I've been an ass in my time, I dare say, but not quite such an ass as to go about in a lion's skin! Mark sat there dumb and terror-stricken. His buried secret had risen after all it was all over. He could only say in his despair 'Has Holroyd told you? Caffyn knew all he wanted when he heard that. 'We won't go into that, he said. 'It's quite enough for you that I know.

He looked round, but Caffyn had started up abruptly and he was alone. 'Very odd of him, thought Mark, until he saw him meeting the Featherstones on their way back from the service.

'Are they all there? 'Every one of 'em; even the father, I fancy, just now. 'Do you know when they're likely to be back? 'Haven't heard, said Caffyn calmly; 'they must come back soon, you see, for the lovely Mabel's wedding. Mark held his breath as he listened; what was Caffyn going to say next? Vincent's face altered suddenly.

Do you feel quite such a virtuous horror of continuing my acquaintance now? Couldn't you bring yourself to overlook my little shortcomings this time? Must you really close your respectable door on me? Mark only looked at him. 'You fool, said Caffyn, 'to give yourself airs with me. I've done you more than one good turn.

'I shall miss the life and stir of all this, he observed, 'when I get back to town again. Holroyd did not appear to have heard him, and, as Caffyn had intended a covert sting, the absence of all response did not improve his temper. 'I can't think why the devil they don't send me the paper, he went on irritably. 'I ordered it to be sent down here regularly, but it never turns up by any chance.

I thought it was joy, and thanked Heaven, like the fool I was, that I had anyone in the world to care so much about me! And you let me tell you about about her; and you and Caffyn between you kept me in the dark till you could get me safely out of the way. It was a clever scheme you managed it admirably. You need not have stolen from anyone with such powers of constructing a plot of your own!

Throughout Vincent's explanation Caffyn had been inwardly raging at the thought that his victims might actually succeed in escaping after all. Forcing an indulgent laugh, he said, 'My dear fellow, it's very kind and generous of you to say all that, and it sounds very pretty and almost probable, but you can't expect us seriously to believe it, you know!

She had prepared a polite little formula for the servant, and was therefore disappointed to see Caffyn. 'Why, it's you! she said, in rather an injured tone. 'You never expected such luck as that, did you? said Caffyn. 'Is there anything I can do for your ladyship? 'Mabel asked me to drive round this way and ask if Mark has come back.