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I I it was not convenient for me to do so just then, and I induced him he could hardly refuse, perhaps to keep up the disguise a little longer. We had just arranged to make everything known shortly, when Mr. Caffyn anticipated us. And that is really all there is to tell about that.

But Caffyn would not allow himself to be cut, and his greeting was blandly affectionate as he accused his friend of abandoning him up in the Lake district; he was determined, if he could, to convince Holroyd that his silence as to Mabel's impending marriage had been due solely to consideration for his feelings, and then, when confidence was restored, he could sound him upon the result of his journey to Laufingen.

'Besides, my dear, said Mrs Caffyn, smoothing the sheets a little, 'you won't mind my saying it, I expex you are in trouble. There's something on your mind, and I believe as I knows pretty well what it is. Madge turned round in the bed so as no longer to face the light; Mrs Caffyn sat between her and the window. 'Look you here, my dear; don't you suppose I meant to say anything to hurt you.

'I would rather you told him, dear, she said, 'and there are no rehearsals till Friday. 'Oh, said Mark, 'very well, darling, I will of course I will! He was already beginning to feel that the interview might not be altogether agreeable. As Mabel had said, she did not meet Harold Caffyn again until both were dining at Mrs.

Featherstone's own palatial City offices. Even if his stage ambition had not cooled long since, Caffyn was not the man to neglect such a chance as this; he accepted gratefully, and already the merchant saw his selection, unlikely as it had seemed at first, beginning to be justified by his protégé's clear head and command of languages, while Gilda's satisfaction at the change was at least equal to her father's.

Why, of course I shall tell Mabel, and ask her for the stamp afterwards only if I hadn't torn it off first, she might throw it away before I could ask, you know! 'I'm afraid it was stealing all the same, said Caffyn, affecting a sorrowfully compassionate tone; 'nothing can alter that now, Dolly. 'Mabel won't be angry with me for that, I know, said Dolly; 'she will see how it was really.

For, this time at least, she was sure that Harold had not been teasing; she had burnt the letter, and it came from Ceylon; Vincent must have written it, and he had come back and meant to scold her she had cried so when she heard he was drowned, and now she was afraid to see him a shadow she dared not speak of had once more fallen across her life! Caffyn came up with a Bradshaw in his hand.

'Yes, I will, thought Caffyn as he walked back alone. 'I must know more of my dear Ashburn; and if there happens to be a screw loose anywhere in my dear Ashburn's past, I shall do my humble best to give it a turn or two.

The letter was from India, bore a Colombo postmark, and was in Vincent Holroyd's hand, which Caffyn happened to know; if further proof were required he had it by pressing the thin paper of the envelope against the inclosure beneath, when several words became distinctly legible, besides those visible already through the gap left by the stamp.

Featherstone was only too glad to see Caffyn discomfited, but all she did was to say stiffly, 'Oh, pray don't consider my feelings, Mr. Holroyd! Vincent's indignation was enough in itself to make him merciless, and then, as a matter of policy, he was determined to disable the enemy to the utmost. Everything that had come to his knowledge of Caffyn's proceedings he now exposed with biting irony.