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'I should like your opinion about those hangings in the Gold Room, Caffyn had said to Mabel, for the benefit of any bystanders, as soon as he reached her chair: 'they seem to me the very thing for the boudoir scene in the third act. You promised to help me; would it bore you very much to come now? Tired as she was, Mabel made no demur.

He faced Caffyn now, unflinchingly enough to outward appearance; but the hand Mabel held in a soft close clasp was strangely cold and unresponsive. Caffyn could not have wished for a better opportunity. 'I assure you this is very painful to me, he said, 'but you see I cannot help myself. I must ask Mr.

Caffyn felt a wild exultation he had the greatest difficulty in repressing. He could not resist enjoying Mark's evident agony a little longer. 'Don't excite yourself, my dear fellow, he said calmly. 'I oughtn't to have said anything about it. 'I'm not excited, said Mark; 'see I'm quite cool ... tell me all you know. He he's alive then ... you have heard from him? I I can bear it.

'If the temptations are so great, Mrs Caffyn, that is all the more reason why those who are liable to them should seek the means which are provided in order that they may be overcome. I believe the Polesdens are very lax attendants at church, and I don't think they ever communicated.

Caffyn was still at the window; he had just received a highly unpleasant shock, and was trying to get over it and adjust himself to the facts revealed by what he held in his hand.

It's all very well for you, though, he turned to Caffyn again, 'to put it all on to me you had more to do with it than I it was your own idea, you know! 'Oh! said Caffyn; 'well, if you like to put it in that way . He lost his self-possession completely there was something in all this he could not at all understand.

He was deceiving no one now, Vincent was not injured by the fraud for he had his book back; it was true that Mabel did not suspect the real history of the transaction, but it would do her no good to know that he had once made a false step. Caffyn was over in America, and harmless wherever he might see fit to go his sting was drawn for ever.

If Harold Caffyn was polite enough when in his uncle's company to affect to share his indignation to the full, elsewhere he accepted Mark's good fortune with cheerful indifference; he could meet Mabel with perfect equanimity, and listen to her mother's somewhat discursive eulogies of her future son-in-law with patience, if not entire assent.

He had meant to see as little as possible of Mabel on his return, but he broke this resolution now. He would not keep away, he thought; surely he could trust himself to bear the sight of her happiness; it ought to reconcile him more fully to all he had endured to secure it, and then he would be able to find out from her if this, which he had heard from Caffyn, was really true.

She would like to find out more of his history; perhaps without exciting suspicion she might obtain it from Mrs Caffyn. Mr Frank Palmer was back again in England. He was much distressed when he received that last letter from Mrs Caffyn, and discovered that Madge's resolution not to write remained unshaken.