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Bushy-Tail gave a startled little cry and jumped down off the wall, Hazel following close behind. The little girls jumped up and ran, too. They wanted to do something to help if they could. But the squirrels ran up the opposite side of a maple and were soon out of sight. Bushy-Tail was not waving his tail so proudly now. It was hurting terribly.

"Now you know the way you must come often," they called after Bushy-Tail and Hazel. "Don't forget to come and see us, too, and thank you for the nice time," they called back. You see, they had been well trained and did not forget their manners. "I think I should like to live in the park," said Rusty to his mother. "Bushy says there are no traps there or bad men with guns." Mrs.

Bushy-Tail was surprised you may be sure. He thought it was Snubby Nose, and Snubby Nose never said, "Please." He jumped off the roof with a bound and howled, "Oh, ho! So you will show me how to dance, will you?" Then Bushy-Tail chased Tippy Toes away and away and away in the woods. Tippy Toes said to himself, "I'm in a corner without a doubt, But if I keep cheerful I will get out."

Red Squirrel flattered him a little and told how she had asked everybody the way to the park and nobody knew. "I felt sure you'd know," she added, at which Mr. Bat remembered he did and promised to take the little runaways home, just as soon as it should be dark enough! When Bushy-Tail and Hazel learned that they were going home that night, they jumped up and down for joy.

Then Bunny and Susan and Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes begged Grandpa Grumbles to tell what had become of Bushy-Tail, but Grandpa Grumbles would only say, "I am so deaf 'tis hard to hear, Come, speak a little louder, dear." Then Bunny spoke into his right ear, and Susan spoke into his left ear, and asked him to tell where he had left Bushy-Tail. Grandpa Grumbles shook his head and said,

Grandpa Grumbles replied, "Why, Snubby Nose, you have a poor memory if you have forgotten about the red mittens. Don't you remember that Santa Claus gave Bushy-Tail a pair of magic mittens?" Tippy Toes said, politely, "Please tell me about it." Grandpa Grumbles said, "Bushy-Tail put on the red magic mittens and they pinched his paws."

This, however, he did very reluctantly, turning his head at the same time, and showing his teeth with a most diabolical snarl. She saw at once, when he faced her, by his pricked ears, high cheek-bones, long bushy-tail, and gaunt figure, that her antagonist was a wolf.

"Bushy-Tail went swimming away, But he'll come back in a year and a day." "Oh" and "Ah" and "Oh" and "Ah," cried all the little Cotton-Tails, "Bushy-Tail is swimming away is he?" They all went merrily to bed. The next morning Grandpa Grumbles called out, "The Cotton-Tails are all in bed, Every one is a sleepy-head." "My fur and whiskers, we have overslept," said Bunny Cotton-Tail.

I need not tell you what they answered. So she gave them each a little basket and took two herself and whisk they were springing through the air, leaping from the ends of teetering branches or spinning along the tops of fences in a jiffy. By and by they came to a lot of bushes and Mrs. Red Squirrel put down her basket "Let's not stop here," cried Bushy-Tail.

"For," she whispered to Bushy-Tail, "she has eyes like a witch." So they ran on a little farther until they came to a hat lying upside down on the ground. It was warm and soft inside and Hazel thought it would be a good place for a little rest. She was beginning to feel very tired. Bushy-Tail had lost the handkerchief off his tail, too, and it was hurting again.