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Updated: August 25, 2024

Burman's expiry. They were simple sophistries, fabricated to suit his needs, readily taking and bearing the imprimatur of common sense. They refreshed him, as a chemical scent a crowded room. All because he could not open his breast to Nataly, by reason of her feebleness; or feel enthusiasm in the possession of young Dudley! A dry stick indeed beside him on the walk Westward.

A Burman's wants are very few, such wants as money can supply a little house, a sufficiency of plain food, a cotton dress for weekdays and a silk one for holidays, and that is nearly all. They are still a very young people. Many wants will come, perhaps, later on, but just now their desires are easily satisfied.

Looking at the circumstance now, he could see, allowing for human frailty-perhaps a wish to join the ranks of the wealthy compassion for the woman as the principal motive. How often had she not in those old days praised his generosity for allying his golden youth to her withered age Mrs. Burman's very words! And she was a generous woman or had been: she was generous in saying that.

Burman's legal adviser had instantly this effect upon him: his bubbling friendliness for Victor Radnor, and the desire of the voice in his bosom for ears to hear, combined like the rush of two waves together, upon which he may be figured as the boat: he caught at Mr.

In the pause, with the glasses I spy geese on a distant point, so with the steward as interpreter, engage a dug-out that came alongside to trade to take me in pursuit, but as I get out the gun, a Burman's boat comes down and passes within a few yards of them and they shift.

For if so, we never can be quit of those we forsake. Apparently Mrs. Burman's unfathomed power lay in her compelling him to summon the devilish in himself and play upon the impish in Society, that he might overcome her. Victor's house-door stopped this current. Nataly took his embrace. 'Nothing wrong? he said, and saw the something.

Me Dain told them that Buck and Jim Dent were now camped in a lonely place among the hills near upon twenty miles away, awaiting the Burman's return. The latter had been sent in disguise to U Saw's village to pick up what information he could, and had only just arrived when Jack saw him on the edge of the slope above the swamp.

Percival shut the door, and they were alone. "Uncle Peter, Burman's been suspended on the Board of Trade; Fouts just had this over his private wire. Corn broke to-day." "That so? Oh, well, maybe it was worth a couple of million to find out Burman plays corn like he plays poker; 'twas if you couldn't get it fur any less." "Uncle Peter, we're wiped out." "How, wiped out? What do you mean, son?"

Ep. 720 p. 670. He wrote also some lines on the chest, in which Grotius was confined. Burman's Collection of Letters, let. 211. Ep. 925. Ep. 1. Ep. Utengobardi. Præst. Vir. Ep. p. 383. It is printed among his theological works. See above, § IV. L'Abbé Longlet, Catalogue des Auteurs du Droit Canenique, p. 175. Ep. 19. p. 760. Grotius was at no loss what country to chuse for his asylum.

A Burman's great object in life is to "gain merit" for a future existence, for he thinks that he will live again and again many times in different forms, and that as he behaves in this life so he will be born again into a better or worse state in the next; if he is very bad he runs the risk of becoming a snake or some other repulsive reptile.

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