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Singletary was situated somewhat apart from the main street, just on the slope of Blueberry Will, a great, green swell of land, stretching far down from the north, and terminating in a steep bluff at the river side. It overlooked the village and the river a long way up and down. It was a brown-looking, antiquated mansion, built by the Doctor's grandfather in the earlier days of the settlement.

The governor's house, as it is called, was the most conspicuous, being large, with grated windows, plastered walls, and roof of red tiles; yet, like all the rest, only of one story. Near it was a small chapel, distinguished by a cross; and a long, low brown-looking building, surrounded by something like a palisade, from which an old and dingy-looking Chilian flag was flying.

Near it was a small chapel, distinguished by a cross; and a long, low, brown-looking building, surrounded by something like a palisade, from which an old and dingy-looking Chilian flag was flying. This, of course, was dignified by the title of Presidio.

When she came to her new abode and was turning out the corners, she discovered upstairs in a cupboard a number of brown-looking old books, which had not been touched for many a long day. Amongst them were Rollin's Ancient History, some of Swift's Works with pages torn out, doubtless those which some impatiently clean creature had justly considered too filthy for perusal.

All that was visible, besides the village mentioned, was a sandy tract of ground, the maritime plain, which extended in breadth from the sea-shore to some brown-looking hills in the background, from a few hundred yards to one or two miles distant; and hills and plains for I could, by my close approximation to them, only see the brown folds of the hills near the base were alike almost destitute of any vegetation; whilst not one animal or any other living creature could be seen.

He took a letter-clip from one side of his table, and turned over several open letters in search of some particular document. He came at last to the letter he wanted. It was written on very common note-paper, with brown-looking ink, and the penmanship was evidently that of an uneducated person; but Mr. Sheldon studied its contents with the air of a man who is dealing with no unimportant missive.

You see I shall put the stuff in the yellow labelled tin." "Yes, I see," I replied; and he opened the packet, shook out the contents, so that it lay spread on the top of the brown-looking gluey meat essence, and then stirred it well round with a knife, till it could not help being well mixed. "There, we must chance that," he whispered, "but it seems a very small dose."

It made one think of sums in addition put down in agreeable shapes; one green line of gifts and then another and another, which suddenly changed into a sum in long division. Brown-looking packages lay about the feet of the clotheshorse, and on them Pete fastened his eyes, for printing presses cannot hang.

"What was he like?" asks another soldier, incredulously. "Like? How should I know? It was as dark as pitch. I just caught a glimpse of him in the flash of the powder an ugly, brown-looking devil he seemed! but he was gone in a breath, and I had no time to look for him." The soldiers round about burst out laughing. "Hold, Karl!" says one, slapping him boisterously on the shoulder.

"Let her enjoy herself," observed Louis; "she is never so happy as when she is feeding somebody." The clink of glasses was soon heard, and Mrs. Lewis's rosy face appeared behind a tray with tiny glasses and a plate of rich, brown-looking little cakes. "Jo, get the Kirsch. You must try one, Ruth; I made them myself."