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"When I first heard that story, ’bout ten years ago, it ended with the Britishers riding like hell over to the Wolcott ranch to borrow umbrellas to keep off the hot rice while they got into the house," said the man, still sulky. "That’s the way they tell it to tenderfeet," and Peter turned on his heel.

Cyrus is an old friend; and, to speak plain, I like you Britishers. I don't want you to think that I bust up your fun to-night for nothing. I'll tell you the whole yarn if you want to hear it." The looks of the trio were sufficient assent. "All right, boys. Here goes! Since I was a kid in Maine woods I've worked at a'most everything that a woodsman can do.

"That lieutenant was only slightly wounded, and that boat was chasing us to bring us back for another shot." "So ye've heard it at last, me frind?" "Certainly I have, and now I will be branded as a coward." "Lave it all to me. The Britishers are in trouble enough. Sure, haven't ye read the Baltimore papers?

"I was up in a little town over the Canada border at the time, an' they had jest had a race like this yere one we-all has on the Fourth o' July, only they ain't no sech institution there, them folks bein' nothin' but benighted Britishers and Frenchmen.

British immigrants rose to 50,000 in 1903-04, to 120,000 in 1907-08, and to 150,000 in 1912-13. From 1897 to the outbreak of the war over 1,100,000 Britishers came to Canada.

"I suppose in reality the present war with England does not trouble you here?" said the stranger, interrogatively. "Why not in reality," answered Younker, "only so far as the Britishers and thar accursed renegade agents set on the Injens agin us." "To what renegade agents do you allude?" inquired the other, with a degree of interest he had not before exhibited.

You are the kind of a fellow who, if you felt like it, would tell a man to go to the devil, then walk off his premises. You see, I don't tab you as a milksop kind of Englishman exactly. "Well, out here they don't like Britishers who receive remittances every month from their mas or pas at home, for they have found that that kind is generally not much good. Hope you're not one, George?" "No!"

He was too much in love with the works to dodge this sacrifice, and yet could not conceive their continuing without him. Assuming this onerous duty, he was perfectly aware that he dealt with minds of a new complexion. Instead of responsive Americans, he confronted two cool-blooded Britishers, to whom any show of spontaneity was out of place.

She got in me a good guardian of her barn, a good transport agent for her Britishers and Letts, she tangled me up in such a way that I could not report on her, she enjoyed the privileges of local Soviet's protection through me, in short all she wanted.... And here I am alone from now on, Good-by" that's all.

The strangers, making good use of their extra height, turn south-west and try to head him off. They gain quickly, and pilot and observer brace themselves for a fight against odds. The Germans are now about 700 feet higher than my friends, and directly above them. Four enemies dive, at an average speed of 150 miles an hour, and from all directions the Britishers hear the rattle of machine-guns.