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"Chauncey Dike said he went off with another girl into Kaintuckee." "And what did Polly Ann say to that?" the stranger demanded. "She asked Chauncey if Tom McChesney gave him the scalps he had on his belt." At that he laughed in good earnest, and slapped his breech-clouts repeatedly. All at once he stopped, and stared up the ridge. "Is that Polly Ann?" said he.

Why are those boys so ghostly white?" "They are covered with yeso to protect them from sunburn." "Oh yes whitewash." "Gypsum. The Mexicans use it for whitewash, and to preserve the complexion." "Well, those boys must have plastered it on thick; they look like living statues. Not a rag on them except 'breech-clouts. Hello, there comes a troop around that mound to the right.

For indeed those three men of the kindreds, when they had gotten into the Dale, and had rested them, and drunk a cup of wine, and when they had seen the chaplets and wreaths of the spring-flowers wherewith they were bedecked, and had smelt the sweet savour of them, fell to walking proudly, heeding not their nakedness; for no rag had they upon them save breech-clouts of deer-skin: they had changed weapons with the Burgdale carles; and one had gotten a great axe, which he bore over his shoulder, and the shaft thereof was all done about with copper; and another had shouldered a long heavy thrusting-spear, and the third, an exceeding tall man, bore a long broad-bladed war-sword.

"Chauncey Dike said he went off with another girl into Kaintuckee." "And what did Polly Ann say to that?" the stranger demanded. "She asked Chauncey if Tom McChesney gave him the scalps he had on his belt." At that he laughed in good earnest, and slapped his breech-clouts repeatedly. All at once he stopped, and stared up the ridge. "Is that Polly Ann?" said he.

Sadly they watched the eastern sky grow brighter while the gloom of the desolate swamp turned wan and gray. The Indian captors became visible, brown, half-naked men wearing leggings and breech-clouts of tanned deerskin. Two of them carried muskets. They were not made hideous by war-paint, as Jack Cockrell was quick to note. He said to his companion: "A hunting party, Joe.

The skirmish line stumbled over the survivor, quaking among the willows in the stream bed, and kicked him out into the open to help bear home his murdered brother; then pushed out as far as the first ridge in hopes of a shot, and were rewarded with nothing better than a glimpse of vanishing breech-clouts.

They'd entered two pretty good-lookin' horses and had their jockeys stripped down to breech-clouts, while Hollis and me wore our whole outfits on our backs, as we didn't exactly figger on dressin' after the race, leastways, not on that side of the river. Just before we lined up, Jim says: "Now you all ride like , and when you git to the far turn we'll let the guns loose and stampede the crowd.

It was this that gave the craft the appearance of galloping over the water. The soldier called down others to look. Some one ran for the commander of the fort. What puzzled the onlookers was the appearance of the rowers. They did not look like human beings; their hair was long; their beards were unkempt. They were literally naked except for breech-clouts and shoulder-pieces of fur.

All arrangements having been made, a part of the band, numbering some fifty or sixty men, armed with bows and arrows, with no other garments than their breech-clouts, set off on horseback in two divisions, followed by a number of men on foot, who concealed themselves as we went along in any holes or behind any hillocks they could find.

The tired Baptist was not overpleased with Harrodstown, though he there listened to the preaching of one of his own sect. He remarked "a poor town it was in those days," a couple of rows of smoky cabins, tenanted by dirty women and ragged children, while the tall, unkempt frontiersmen lounged about in greasy hunting-shirts, breech-clouts, leggings, and moccasins.