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Updated: August 3, 2024

They are not moonshiners or smugglers or bootleggers; they are the people upon whose patronage or connivance the moonshiners and smugglers and bootleggers depend for their business. And everybody knows that, in their private capacity, Senators and Representatives and Legislaturemen are precisely like their fellow-citizens in this matter.

The railroad executive had traced certain consignments of cheap whisky which had been run through to construction camps in the northern part of the province and had his own suspicions as to the source from which the bootleggers were obtaining funds.

However, the very move of the gambler to draw a pistol had had one effect that Tom ardently desired. Most of the workmen present were now in frantic haste to get out before any shooting began. The two bootleggers also sought to make their escape. "Get back there! You fellows can't get out!" Harry shouted, himself seizing and hurling the bootleggers back into the room.

We pretend that, just as the eugenists think of the physical attributes of the coming generation, we consider the mental attributes and we turn around and raise a race of bootleggers.

A squeaky fiddle and a mandolin uttered dimly heard notes which were tossed about in the greater turmoil. Stamping feet made a continuous sound, curiously muffled. "What is this?" said Solange, drawing rein before the place. "Ma'am, you better come along," replied Sucatash. "I reckon the bootleggers and gamblers have run in a load of poison and started a honkatonk.

Before you do that, I'll tell you this much to show good faith and prove to you how much I trust you: I'm an officer, and my special work right now is to clean up a gang of bootleggers and the crooked officers who are protecting them. What I know about your case leads me to believe that you've run afoul of them and that you're the man I've been looking for that can help me set a trap for them.

"Before you go any further, young feller, I'll tell yuh just how fur Casey's in your game an' that's as fur as Barstow. When Casey says he'll do a thing he comes purty near doin' it. I ain't playin' no bootleg game, young feller; White Mule an' me ain't an' never was trail pardners. Make me choose between bootleggers an' cops, an' I'd have to flip a dollar on it.

VIII. Is Prohibition Coming to England? IN the United States and Canada the principal topic of polite conversation is now prohibition. At every dinner party the serving of the cocktails immediately introduces the subject: the rest of the dinner is enlivened throughout with the discussion of rum-runners, bootleggers, storage of liquor and the State constitution of New Jersey.

So if revenge looks good to you, you'll have a fine chance to get even with the bootleggers. And in the meantime, just kill time around camp here while I'm gone. If any one shows up, you're prospecting." That day, doubt-devils took hold of Casey Ryan and plucked at his belief.

You've alienated her from her father, and reduced my husband from managing editor of a leading paper to managing jew's-harpist of a gang of psychic bootleggers." She burst into angry tears. Quimbleton groaned, and turned a ghastly fade upon Bleak. "It's quite true," he said. In the excitement Miss Chuff had turned very pale. "Virgil," she said faintly, "I believe I feel a trance coming on."

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