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So what, says Mrs Boffin, breaking off in the rush of her speech to smile most radiantly, 'might you think by this time that your husband's name was, dear? 'Not, returned Bella, with quivering lips; 'not Harmon? That's not possible? 'Don't tremble. Why not possible, deary, when so many things are possible? demanded Mrs Boffin, in a soothing tone. 'He was killed, gasped Bella.

Mr and Mrs Boffin were reported sitting in this room, when Bella got back. Entering it, she found the Secretary there too; in official attendance it would appear, for he was standing with some papers in his hand by a table with shaded candles on it, at which Mr Boffin was seated thrown back in his easy chair. 'You are busy, sir, said Bella, hesitating at the door.

'Don't ye be timid, my dear, said Mrs Boffin. 'You came in to see us. 'Oh, no, I didn't, cried Georgiana. 'It's very impolite, I know, but I came to see my poor Sophronia, my only friend. Oh! how I felt the separation, my dear Sophronia, before I knew you were brought low in the world, and how much more I feel it now!

'No, said Mr Boffin, with his voice still dropped, 'it really won't. You positively must excuse us. If you'll go your way, we'll go ours, and so I hope this affair ends to the satisfaction of all parties. Mrs Lammle gave him the look of a decidedly dissatisfied party demanding exemption from the category; but said nothing.

'That's fair, and I don't object, said Mr Boffin; 'but it must be on condition that it's fully understood that I no more know that I shall ever be in want of any gentleman as Secretary it WAS Secretary you said; wasn't it? 'Yes. Again Mr Boffin's eyes opened wide, and he stared at the applicant from head to foot, repeating 'Queer! You're sure it was Secretary? Are you? 'I am sure I said so.

'Now, Wegg, Wegg, Wegg, remonstrated the excellent Boffin. 'You are too sensitive. 'I know I am, sir, returned Wegg, with obstinate magnanimity. 'I am acquainted with my faults. I always was, from a child, too sensitive. 'But listen, pursued the Golden Dustman; 'hear me out, Wegg. You have taken it into your head that I mean to pension you off.

The house inspected, emissaries removed the Inexhaustible, who was shortly afterwards heard screaming among the rainbows; whereupon Bella withdrew herself from the presence and knowledge of gemplemorums, and the screaming ceased, and smiling Peace associated herself with that young olive branch. 'Come and look in, Noddy! said Mrs Boffin to Mr Boffin.

At the treasures of the yard, and at the outside of the house, and at the detached building which Mr Boffin pointed out as the residence of himself and his wife during the many years of their service, the Secretary looked with interest. It was not until Mr Boffin had shown him every wonder of the Bower twice over, that he remembered his having duties to discharge elsewhere.

'I am very glad, sobbed Bella, 'that I called you names, sir, because you richly deserved it. But I am very sorry that I called you names, because you used to be so different. Say good-bye! 'Good-bye, said Mr Boffin, shortly. 'If I knew which of your hands was the least spoilt, I would ask you to let me touch it, said Bella, 'for the last time.

'Your unfortunate suspicions, Mr Boffin began the Secretary. 'Precious unfortunate for you, I can tell you, said Mr Boffin. are not to be combated by any one, and I address myself to no such hopeless task. But I will say a word upon the truth. 'Yah! Much you care about the truth, said Mr Boffin, with a snap of his fingers. 'Noddy! My dear love! expostulated his wife.