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Then scoot through the field, and you'll find me waiting for you in the hotel stables. You can pass the word to your chums in Corker's that you aren't going to be on show after supper, and then they won't be routing you out." "My chums are mostly in Biffen's," said Jack. "Grim and Rogers, etc." "Good omen," said Acton.

"Without haste, without rest," Biffen's captain started his second project for the elevation of his house. He had noticed what none of the other fellows would condescend to see, that two of the despised niggers of Biffen's were rather neat on the bars. He spent a quarter of an hour one evening quietly watching the two in the gym, and he went away thoughtful.

Some were inclined to blame Dick for accepting the cap; but pretty generally it was agreed that, if Acton was not to have it, Dick was the next best man, but at what a distance! The honour of having two men in the eleven was no solatium for the wounded pride of Biffen's, when they considered their great injury.

"No thanks. Is this punt-house your usual lounge?" "Sometimes," said Mehtah. "We can't do without our smoke, and we can't do it, you know, at the school." "No, that you jolly well can't, my dusky Othello. But aren't you two booked for the Houser's this afternoon? I thought you were the backbone of Biffen's." "The match is not for an hour yet," said Lamb.

As he was coming down the steps one of Biffen's fags shouted shrilly, "Three cheers for Acton!" Phil stalked through the shouting school, and as I joined him and we walked up together, he said, through his clenched teeth "I wish, old man, I had never seen that brute." That evening Bourne wrote to Worcester offering him the remaining cap.

The two young Biffenites found the faithful Grim holding the fort in the front bench of the pavilion against the ardent assaults of some Taylorian juniors, who could not see what Grim wanted with three seats. The fellows of the two houses were rapidly lining up for the match, and Dick Worcester had sent to Biffen's making affectionate inquiries for the dervishes.

"Oh, Worcester!" began Rogers, tremulously, "we've come to tell you that it was we who lost Biffen's the houser." "Why, Wilson didn't play, and you caught Cotton," said Dick, astonished. "But we locked the dervishes in the punt-house we thought there was only Todd inside." "Oh, you did, you little beggars, did you?" said Worcester, considering the doleful and grief-stricken Biffenites.

Amy would have shrunk in apprehension, but to one who had experience of London garrets this was a rather favourable specimen of its kind. The door closed more satisfactorily than poor Biffen's, for instance, and there were not many of those knot-holes in the floor which gave admission to piercing little draughts; not a pane of the window was cracked, not one.

'Oh, but it is really clever, Jasper! 'Not a doubt of it. I half believe what I have written. And if only we could get it mentioned in a leader or two, and so on, old Biffen's fame would be established with the better sort of readers. But he won't sell three hundred copies. I wonder whether Robertson would let me do a notice for his paper?

You're a credit to Sharpe's, Poulett; but remember that you've been poaching for Biffen's footer captain. That's something, anyhow. Don't grin, Poulett; it's bad form. Going? To Bourne's, eh? I can recommend you, though it would be no recommendation to him. You can cut, too, Grim, and clear at 9.30. See the door catches."