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Updated: August 14, 2024

A c h, ach, s e h, seh, Achseh." "Does that spell Axy? Well, do you know what it means?" asked he, turning to me. "No," I replied, "I never heard the sound before." "There was a schoolmaster down here once, and they asked him what it meant, and he said it had no more meaning than a bean-pole." I told him that I held the same opinion with the schoolmaster.

Bean-pole stands up stiff, without no feelin's: don't look at 'er, nor bend over an' kiss 'er, nor nothin'. Mornin' glory don't git skeered, an' she peouts out a lot o' leaves an' tenderls an' begins to kile. Bean-pole takes a chaw o' terbakker an' looks off t'other eend o' the field t' see what the pertater crop 's goin' to be.

She stopped him with a haughty look. "An' in course," said he, "I don't know, neither. But it dews make me feel dreadful t' think I've started sech a rank bean-pole farm as this, when I've all'as told ye, my little gal, 't we'd ort'er use moderation" Captain Leezur wiped his blessed shining eyes "moderation in all things, even in passnips I have said an' neow I change it to bean-poles."

"Ah," said I, and shook my head again sadly, "I think more and more we will have to go our pilgrimage without that, my friend." "Neow you look a' here," said Captain Leezur. "I ain't a-sayin' nothin', that they will or that they won't, but if they dew, let 'em. Did ye ever think o' what a heap o' wisdom there is in a poor old bean-pole? "Mornin' glory comes up an' looks at it.

I know of a certain hole in under a shelving rock upon which the partridge is wont to hatch her young, where lies a bigger bass than ever you tired out according to the rules of your beloved sport, and I will have him if I have to charm him with honeyed words and a bean-pole. And Ainslie shall cook him to a turn. Make haste then to the feast! Ahead there is light.

Now I tried to dwell upon the words of Captain Leezur, but, however callous I succeeded in appearing on the outside, at heart I was a happy, happy bean-pole. "I was stunned," I said. "Besides, you see, I did not expect to be invited." "Why not, Major Henry?" Oh, the beautiful Basin! the beautiful Basin! I tried to speak, but could not.

Haughty was a new word to Anne. But she hated to say "I don't know," and besides words made to her pictures queer ones sometimes of their meaning. "It means she warms up quick," she asserted. "Tell me about her, Lizzie. How does she look?" "She ain't so very tall and she's slim as a bean-pole," said Lizzie. "Her hair's gray and her skin is white and wrinkly. And she wears long black dresses.

"Not since that bean-pole with a tin badge onto it got acrost there with its mouth open," affirmed Hiram, with decision, "and if he ain't told 'em that we bought Ferd out and set him up in the rum business, he's lettin' us out easier than I figger on."

Much sympathy was expressed for that much-abused man; and this was amusing to those who knew he could have tied four such tyrants in a sheaf, and carried them off like a bundle of sticks. But people had found a monster, a giantess, with flaming black eyes, square jaws and big fists, who lived at the top of a very high bean-pole, and ate nothing but the uncooked flesh of men.

"Weary, if you can and Slim's a good hand with horses, too." "Slim is that the tall, lanky man?" "No he's the short, fat one. That bean-pole is Shorty." Miss Whitmore fixed these facts firmly in her memory and ran swiftly to where rose all the dust and noise from the further corral. She climbed up until she could look conveniently over the top rail.

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