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I'll let her think I'm a bean-pole of a boy if it makes him any happier to have me one. And why do you care?" She drew in her breath. "Oh, I don't suppose I care so much," she said haltingly. "But think of the girl." His eyes widened a little and fell. "The girl?" "She's falling in love with him!" Pete threw back his head and laughed aloud. "Oh, Bella, you know, that's funny!" "It's not.

None but the orthodox need apply. I, however, believe in the intellectual, if not the moral, qualities of vegetables, and especially weeds. When it came out of the ground, it looked around to see what it should do. The trellis was already occupied. The bean-pole was empty. There was evidently a little the best chance of light, air, and sole proprietorship on the pole.

But Smooth, though somewhat primitive in his personal appearance, is none of your common Cape Cod coasters, such as your Captain Doanes, and Cooks, and Ryders, and Clapps. Not he! So slender of person is he, that there can be no particular impropriety in our drawing a comparison between him and that peculiar type of per son commonly called a Virginian bean-pole.

None but the orthodox need apply. I, however, believe in the intellectual, if not the moral, qualities of vegetables, and especially weeds. When it came out of the ground, it looked around to see what it should do. The trellis was already occupied. The bean-pole was empty. There was evidently a little the best chance of light, air, and sole proprietorship on the pole.

Near the spring was a vegetable garden, and here, on the 22d of August, I suddenly espied a water thrush teetering upon the tip of a bean-pole, his rich olive-brown back glistening in the sunlight. He soon dropped to the ground among the vines, and before long walked out into sight. His action when he saw me was amusing.

During the period when Mr. He obtained from Major Pitcher authority to punish and reform a certain grizzly, and went about the matter in a thoroughly Buffalo-Jonesian manner. He procured a strong lariat and a bean-pole seven feet long and repaired to the camp that was troubled by too much grizzly. The particular offender was a full-grown male grizzly who had become a notorious raider.

"And didn't he keep everybody waiting?" persisted Clayton, "until your man found him and brought him back in your own outfit only the shirt was four sizes too big for his bean-pole of a body. Am I right?" he laughed.

On the night that was constructed she sat up till three o'clock in the morning, going out and studying it and coming in and putting up one star at a time. How could she reach the high ceiling? Oh, she took a bean-pole, stuck the gilt star on the end of it, having paste on the reverse side, and fixed it in its place.

Here he was joined by Kinch, who went into fits of laughter over Charlie's pea-jacket, as he offensively called the new coat. "Why, Charlie," said he, "it fits you like a shirt on a bean-pole, or rather it's like a sentry's box it don't touch you any where.

Steeled knights of the Conquest, bearded statesmen of Queen Elizabeth and high-ruffed ladies of her court were mingled with characters of comedy, such as a parti-colored Merry Andrew jingling his cap and bells, a Falstaff almost as provocative of laughter as his prototype, and a Don Quixote with a bean-pole for a lance and a pot-lid for a shield.