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"Wot's that sick worm at the bottom of the page?" he asked. "Wot might you think it wos?" said Uncle Ben beamingly. "Looks like one o' them snake roots you dig up with a little mud stuck to it," returned Rupert critically. "That's my name." They both stood looking at it with their heads very much on one side. "It ain't so bad as the rest you've done. It MIGHT be your name.

The police were pressing back the jubilant masses, swarms of ladies on the rear forms were standing up, and Flora, still seated, had leaned down beamingly and was using every resource of voice and fan to send him some word through the tumult of plaudits and drums. He spurred close.

All afternoon in a mood of tropic sunrise he collected rents, or with glad vagueness consented instantly to their postponement. "I've come about the rent again," he said beamingly to one delinquent tenant of his father's best client; and turned and walked away, humming a waltz-song, while the man was still coughing as a preliminary to argument.

And her blushes came and went so fast, she was so nervous and yet so beamingly happy, that Miss Hilary soon suspected there was more in this visit than at first appeared.

At last another singular event happened. Alice beamingly put five sovereigns into Priam's hand one evening. "It's been sold for five guineas," she said, joyous. "Mr. Aylmer didn't want to keep anything for himself, but I insisted on his having the odd shillings. I think it's splendid, simply splendid! Of course I always did think it was a beautiful picture," she added.

So now, as Mollie ran toward him with outstretched hand, he held up to her delighted gaze not only one letter, but four. "One for each of you," he said beamingly, as Mollie reached him. "I thought that probably I would find all four of you at one place, so I kept the letters together."

And from the name to the girl may you be forever denied a glimpse of Shirley Claiborne's pretty head, her brown hair and dream-haunted eyes, if you do not first murmur the name with honest liking. As the Claibornes lingered at their table a short stout man espied them from the door and advanced beamingly. "Ah, my dear Shirley, and Dick! Can it be possible!

We will go to Comrade Outwood and stake out another claim." Mr. Outwood received them even more beamingly than before. "Yes, Smith?" he said. "We must apologise for disturbing you, sir " "Not at all, Smith, not at all! I like the boys in my house to come to me when they wish for my advice or help."

"Fortunately, they are the durable brand for sale at the village and warranted to withstand any pressure. At worst they will be lozenges now." "Why did you surprise us?" asked Thinkright, as Minty beamingly accepted the striped bag. "Why didn't you let me send the team over?"

But now the disagreeable task was over, and there would be no more of it for another week; childish tears dry quickly, and their little faces beamingly met the day. Little Povl was last ready. Ditte could hardly keep him on the chair, as she put the finishing touches he was anxious to be out. "Well, what d'you say to sister?" she asked, when he was done, offering her mouth.