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'I always said that Don Carlos would fail if he employed such men as well, as he does, Madame Barenna took more than one opportunity of observing at this time, and her emphatic fan rapped the personal application home.

'You must excuse me, said Madame Barenna volubly, 'but your approach was so sudden. I am a great sufferer my nerves, you know. But young people do not understand. And she sighed heavily, with a side glance at her daughter, who did not even appear to be trying to do so. Julia Barenna was darker than her cousin, quicker in manner, with an air of worldly capability which Estella lacked.

'Happiness is a dangerous thing to meddle with. There is so little of it in the world, and it lasts so short a time. Senora Barenna indicated by a sigh and her attitude that she had had no experience in the matter. As a simple fact, she had been enabled all through her life to satisfy her own desires the subtlest form of misfortune.

He despised the woman now, the contempt lurked in his cynical smile, but he clung with a half-mocking, open-eyed sarcasm to his memories. 'But, he said reassuringly, 'Julia is a match for the Alcalde, you may rest assured of that. Senora Barenna turned with a gesture of her plump hand indicative of bewilderment. 'I do not understand her. She laughs at the soldiers the policemen, I mean.

'You may be the Alcalde of Ronda, said Conyngham cheerfully, in continuation of the General's argument; 'but if you offer such an insult to Senorita Barenna, I throw you into the fountain, in the deepest part, where it is wettest, just there by the marble dolphin. And Conyngham indicated the exact spot with his riding-whip. 'Who is this gentleman? asked the Alcalde.

'I wonder why. 'So do I, he said in a tone that Senora Barenna never understood. 'You are always kinder to her than you are to me, went on the lady in her most martyred manner. 'Her penances are always lighter than mine. You are patient with her and not with me. And I am sure I have never done you any injury The old Padre smiled.

He remembered Larralde's words concerning the person to whom the missive was addressed, and the high-flown sentiments of that somewhat theatrical gentleman became in some degree justified. Julia Barenna was a woman who might well awaken a passionate love. Conyngham realised this, as from a distance, while Julia's mother spoke of some trivial matter of the moment to unheeding ears.

'Place me under arrest, Senor Alcalde, she said indifferently, 'and when you have satisfied me that you have a right to inspect a lady's private correspondence I will submit to be searched but not before. She made a little signal to Conyngham not to interfere. Senora Barenna took this opportunity of asserting herself and her nerves. She sat heavily down on a stone seat and wept.

It is as a rule safer to confide in the honesty of one's neighbour than in his wit; better still, trust in neither. Conyngham, who was quick enough when the moment required it, knew that she was fostering the belief that the letter at that moment in his pocket was in her possession. He suspected also that he and Julia Barenna were playing with life and death.

'Ah! said Concha, 'so he also is faithful because life is not long, my son. That is the only reason. How wise was the great God when He made a human life short! 'I have a letter, continued Conyngham, 'from Larralde to the Senorita Barenna. 'So you parted friends in Barcelona after all when his knife has been between your shoulders? 'Yes.