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Updated: August 19, 2024

"Why, say, suppose a plug-ugly sasshays up to you on the street to take a crack at your pearl stick-pin, do you reckon he's going to drop you a postal card first? You gotta be ready for him. See what I mean?" "Let us spar," said Bailey austerely. He had begun to despair of ever making Steve show him that deference and respect which he considered due to the son of the house.

According to the Law of the Priests, each ship from Yucatan will have carried home its sworn report to lay at the feet of their council, and before I went to that vice-royalty, what I did was written plain here on the face of Atlantis." "We know your doings in the past, brother, and they have found approval. You have governed well, and you have lived austerely.

Other young men passing, vaulting lightly over the wooden rail that enclosed the common, wore flowing whiskers, crisply black or brown like a tobacco leaf; their luxuriant waistcoats were draped with a profusion of chains and seals; but Elim's face was austerely shaved, he wore neither brocade nor gold, and he kept seriously to the path.

They were indeed the pioneers of civilization, for apart from doctrines they brought among the savages the highest European culture, and in their own deportment an object-lesson of how chastely, austerely, and nobly men could live.

"There it is," exclaimed the child, and he cried, "Mamma!" A woman appeared, and the workman instantly left off smiling, for he saw at once that there was no fooling to be done with the tall pale girl who stood austerely at her door as though to defend from one man the threshold of that house where she had already been betrayed by another.

As for remorse the memory of any former sin a life so austerely blameless, a disposition so prompt to the activity of good, and so enamoured of its beauty a mind so cultivated, a temper so gentle, and a heart so easily moved all would have forbidden, to natures far more suspicious than Madeline's, the conception of such a thought.

"Sure, you're there, Colonel, safe enough?" "Yes, I am here," Colonel John answered austerely. He did not leave his seat at the table. "And as much at home as a mole in a hill," Morty continued. "And, like that same blessed little fellow in black velvet that I take my hat off to, with lashings of time for thinking."

During a roll that all but took his booted legs from under him, and in the very stagger to save himself, Captain MacWhirr said austerely, "Don't you pay any attention to what that man says." And then, with an indefinable change of tone, very grave, he added, "He isn't on duty." The sailor said nothing.

"I'll fight you," he said, raising his hand in challenge, but Swope's answer was drowned in a wild yell from Creede. "Come back here, Rufe, you durn' fool!" he called. "Come back, I tell ye! Don't you know better than to trust a sheepman?" "Never mind, now," answered Hardy, turning austerely to the bluff. "I guess I can take care of myself."

Lucy Manisty had attracted her husband, when he, a weary cosmopolitan, had met her first in Rome, by just this touch of something austerely sweet, like the scent of lavender or dewy grass; and she had it still mingled with a kind humour in her middle years, which were so lonely but for her boy.

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