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"Alas! unhappy that I am," said Winthrop, "that this new suspicion should fill the minds of the savages. Assure him, upon my faith as a Christian upon my honor as a gentleman make the asseveration as solemn as thou canst that he suspects us falsely." But the grave chief abandoned not the idea.

Cymon Tuggs blushed, smiled, looked vacant, and faintly protested that he was no horseman. The objection was at once overruled. A fly was speedily found; and three donkeyswhich the proprietor declared on his solemn asseveration to be ‘three parts blood, and the other corn’were engaged in the service.

"Yes, I did," answered the child, with a nod of decision. "You're telling the truth?" "Yes; as sure as death." Poor Tottie had made her strongest asseveration, but it did not convey to Aspel nearly so much assurance as did the earnest gaze of her bright and truthful eyes. "You put it in the pillar?" he continued. "Yes." "At the end of the street?"

"'For better for worse; for richer for poorer; in sickness and in health; till death us do part." On the last words she lifted her head. He caught the gleam of tears on her lashes, and slipped the ring on to her finger; uttering the triple asseveration with a suppressed fervour rarely to be heard at the altar rails.

He denied, with great effrontery, that he had the least concern in the matter, pretended to resent the deportment of Hornbeck, whom he threatened to chastise for his scandalous suspicion, and expressed his displeasure at the credulity of Jolter, who seemed to doubt the veracity of his asseveration.

But Miss Belsize only bowed, and scarcely took her eyes off a couple of outwardly inferior men, who had attracted my attention through hers, until they also passed out of the ground. Mr. Garland was on tip-toes watching the game again with mercurial ardour. "Mr. Manders will look after me," she said to him, "won't you, Mr. Manders?" I made some suitable asseveration, and she added: "Mr.

"If I can understand your heart on this matter, it has never as yet been given to this young man." "No, papa." This Mary said not altogether with that complete power of asseveration which the negative is sometimes made to bear. "But there must be a beginning to such things. A man throws himself into it headlong, as my Lord Carstairs seems to have done. At least all the best young men do."

The sense of instability natural to an institution which is compelled to rely for support on ministers who are themselves dependent on the state whose pay they draw for power to strike a blow in self-defence could hardly be better expressed than by the solemn and piteous, almost agonised asseveration; "Now, afore God, I am so vexed, that every part about me quivers."

Lovelace, do you mean any thing at all, when you swear so often as you do, By your soul, or bind an asseveration with the words, As you hope to be saved? O my beloved creature, shifting his seat; let us call another cause. Why, Sir, don't I neither use ceremony enough with you? Dearest Madam, forbear for the present: I am but in my noviciate.

This asseveration could not be called altogether false, because he had really a latent inclination in him towards her, which all the tenderness he had for Elgidia could not eradicate; and this it was that gave all he said such an air of sincerity as won upon the abbess, to believe her jealousy had misinterpreted the looks she had sometimes seen him give her sister, and at length made her desist from reproaching him on that score.