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As for herself, she had no fear, and though she could not understand Aslitta's absence, she was far from imagining the truth. Suddenly San Pietro's repulsive features appeared at the carriage window, and Luciola's heart ceased beating. Had he betrayed Aslitta? The count had arranged things well.

Think of your friends; you are to lead them, and if you are missing, they are lost." Tears rose to Aslitta's eyes, but he resisted no longer, and, cordially shaking the major's hand, he said: "Friend, I accept your sacrifice, and if I find an exit, I will save you." It seemed to Bartolomeo as if Aslitta's clasp was the most precious thing he had gained, and he was almost overcome with emotion.

A well-known voice hissed in his ear the voice of San Pietro: "We have got you." A gag was inserted between Aslitta's lips, his arms and limbs were bound, and two pandours dragged him away, while the count said: "You know the order; take good care of him! You must answer for the prisoner with your life."

"And you have forgotten nothing, and will observe the sign?" "Be easy, I will think of everything." "Then farewell; have courage." "And hope," added Luciola, kissing Aslitta. At this moment a heavy hand was laid upon Aslitta's shoulder, and a clear voice said: "Marquis, you should have closed the door." Aslitta turned hurriedly about.

He had promised Luciola to save Aslitta, and now The next moment he was standing beside the bier; his gaze rested searchingly, with unspeakable terror, on the pale features of the drowned man, and with trembling hands he bared the bosom and placed his ear to Aslitta's breast. At this instant the beating of drums was heard and a Croatian battalion turned the corner of the street.

Bartolomeo arose, and as he did so he secretly resolved to square his account with Benedetto in such a way as to serve his country. He soon became the most clever of Aslitta's emissaries, and soon pictured himself as one of the most illustrious patriots of his country bedecked with laurels. But fortune makes rapid strides.

Spero, come here." "Here I am, papa," called the boy. "Good, my son. You know your duty. Accompany the patriots; take my place until Aslitta's condition permits me to relieve you." A cannon-shot caused the house to shake to its foundations, and Haydee, pale and trembling, entered. "The bombardment begins," she whispered to her husband. "Oh, the cruelty!"

She raised her clasped hands to Monte-Cristo, who was busying himself about the lifeless man, and imploringly exclaimed: "Count, I have kept my word the tricolor waves in freedom in Milan; restore Giorgio to me." The count did not reply; he held in his hand a small vial containing a dark-red liquid, and slowly he dropped single drops on Aslitta's compressed lips.

One of the pandours pressed the muzzle of his gun against Aslitta's forehead and threateningly said: "Do not stir or I will blow your brains out." Aslitta was obliged to obey. The carriage in which he had been placed stopped, the marquis was lifted out, and the doors of a subterranean dungeon closed behind him.