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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Nason was over t'other day, helpin' me shingle my barn. 'Twas a dreadful warm day, and we was takin' our noonin' arfter dinner, settin' thar' on the log, 'nd there was a lot o' these 'ere little green grarsshoppers hoppin' areound in the grarss: so arfter a spall, we speared up some on 'em and "

"Leezur's my name; and neow I'll tell ye how ye can all'as remember it; it's jest like all them great discoveries, it's dreadful easy when it's once been thought on. Leezur leezure see? Leezure means takin' things moderate, ye know, kind o' settin' areound in the shank o' the evenin' Leezur lee-zure see!" Oh, how he beamed! The systems of Newton and Copernicus seemed dwarfed in comparison.

All them big folks in Spain was settin' areound, ye know, ta'ntin' of him, and sayin' as how an egg couldn't be made to sot. "So Columbus, he took one up and give her a tunk, pretty solid, deown onto the table. 'There! says he; 'you stay sot, says he, 'and keep moderate a spall, says he. 'Forced-to-go never gits far, says he. "Then there was Lot's wife.

"Oiling the saw again, I see," I said at last glancing with reverent admiration of such benign industry at the oil-can. "No," said Captain Leezur kindly; "I wa'n't, I was a-goin' deown, by 'n' by, to the cove, to ca'm the water deown, 'n' see ef I c'd spear up a few fleounders; but I ain't in no hurry. I'd jest as soon set areound on the int'rust o' my money!"

"Thar' 's three times," said Captain Leezur, "that I've had them bresh 'n' things all hove up into piles, 'n' every time the wind 's raked in and swep' 'em areound all over the farmimunt ag'in." "Perhaps, father," said Mrs.

Sartin, Vesty 's done herself reound him from childhood to old age, as ye might say. I don't know whether he c'd ever unkile himself or not, but I shouldn't want to bet on no man's 'charnces with a woman like Vesty all weound areound and reound him that way. "He is rich, then?" "Wal, yes. They own teown prop'ty somewhars, and they own all the Neck here, and lays areound on her through the summer.

"I don't remember jest the partickelers, nor what she was turnin' areound to look for; whether she was goin' to a sewin'-circle and lookin' back to see what Lot was dewin' to home, or whether she was jest strokin' deown her polonaise a little, the way women does; but anyway, she was one o' this 'ere kind that needed moderatin'. "So she got turned into a pillar o' salt, and there she sot.

She kept a-arskin' questions, and everything she arsked I arnswered of her back dreadful moderate, and every time I arnswered of her back she'd give a little larff, endin' up on 'sol la ce do, sorter highsteriky; so't I was kind o' feelin' areound in my pocket t' find her a narvine lozenger. "And then I thought I wouldn't. All they want is the least little excuse and they'll begin to kile.

"Wal, neow," said Captain Leezur, my chiefest admirer, "ef you ain't a case to describe anything in natur'! Ef I had you areound I shouldn't never want no dagarrier of a sick chicken, for you'd call 'em right up afore me!" I murmured my low thanks, blushing as usual under flattery. Vesty was talking brilliantly with some of the company, quite away from me.

But she came nearer, and I gazed, spellbound; and then she bowed her beautiful head with a tender, laughing smile, and laid her hand on Captain Leezur's shoulder. "Here!" she said. Oh, how he laughed! Robins by the brook, and sun-sparkles. "That 's right, Vesty!" he exclaimed; "that 's right, darlin'. Come and kile yourself areound them 't 's got some feelin's!"

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