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"When I was a boy." "What kin ye do?" "I'm a good derrick man and been four years with a coaler." "You want steady work, I suppose." The stranger nodded. "Well, I ain't got it. Gov'ment app'ints our men. This is a Life-Saving Station." The stranger stood twisting his cap. The first statement seemed to make but little impression on him; the second aroused a keener interest. "Yes, I know.

To make this inquiry a success, we-alls oughter see this Yallerhouse gent; an' as thar is fewer of him than of us, I app'ints Jack Moore, Dan Boggs, an' Short Creek Dave, a committee, of three, to bring him before us in a body. Pendin' the return of the committee the meetin' will take a drink with the chair.

When the agony was over, he says the votin' can begin. "I cal'lated he expected somebody'd move to make it unanimous, but they didn't. So the blank ballots was handed around, and the pencils got busy. Gabe app'ints three tellers, Bassett and Ellis, of course, for two and the third, Jotham Gale. "'As a compliment to our newest member, says the chairman, smilin' philanthropic.

"The motion bein' carried unanimous, the chair app'ints the indivijools known as Pike and Dutch to pace off the aforesaid distances, as close as they can, an' mark the ends." While everybody gravely watched, the two miners designated paced off the 100 feet, on either side of the stake, along the ridge, and again the 150 feet, further. They hastily marked the distances and returned.

They app'ints a day for the Bob-cat to be shot; an' as he ain't present at the trial none, leavin' his end of the game to be looked after by his reelatives, they orders a kettle-tender or tribe crier to notify the Bob-cat when an' where he's to come an' have said sentence execooted upon him.

We've got the corpse, an' if we gets bucked off now it's our fault. "So he app'ints Old Monte an' Dan Boggs to go for a box for Jack, an' details a couple of niggers from the corral to dig a tomb. "'An' mind you-alls, says Peets, `I wants that hole at least a mile from camp. In order to make a funeral a success, you needs distance. That's where deceased gets action.

"Give me my coffee turrible quick," said Mr. Wiley; "I must be down the bridge 'fore they start dog-warpin' the side jam." "I notice you're always due at the bridge on churnin' days," remarked his spouse, testily. "'Taint me as app'ints drivin' dates at Edgewood," replied the old man. "The boys'll hev a turrible job this year.

"Do one thing for me," he said quickly "tell them you have appointed me your deputy. If you do not I'll fall back on the law of riots and appoint myself." "Gentlemen," said the sheriff, turning to the crowd, and speaking half-shamedly "Gentlemen, it's better an' I hopes you all will go home. We don't wanter hurt nobody. I app'ints Major Conway my deputy to take the prisoner to jail.

"Give me my coffee turrible quick," said Mr. Wiley; "I must be down to the bridge 'fore they start dog-warpin' the side jam." "I notice you're always due at the bridge on churnin' days," remarked his spouse, testily. "'T ain't me as app'ints drivin' dates at Edgewood," replied the old man. "The boys'll hev a turrible job this year.

It's a regilar court, though we make it up ourselves, and app'ints our own judges and juries, and pass judgment 'cordin' to the case. Ef it's the first offence, or only a small one, we let's the fellow off with only a taste of the hickory. Ef it's a tough case, and an old sinner, we give him a belly-full.