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We made the mistake of over-tipping at first in India, not realising that a couple of annas out here go as far as a shilling at home; but it is a mistake which should be rectified as soon as possible, for you get no credit for lavishness, but are merely regarded as a first-class idiot. No sane man would ever expend two annas where one would do!

He tells me that the weavers have assured him that when husband and wife are working hard from early to late, they cannot make more than four annas profit a day by their weaving, since the mills have come into the country and then they have to pay a commission to some one to sell their cloth for them, or spend a considerable time travelling about the country finding a market for it themselves.

All that was over after the expenses were paid and a proper percentage reserved by the Annas as interest on their invested capital they listened with eager respect to these business-like expressions would be handed over to the American Red Cross. "That," explained Mr. Twist, "would seal the inn as both respectable and fashionable, which is exactly what we would want to make it."

Twist, who was never able to be anything but kind he had the most amiable mouth and chin in the world, and his name was Edward took a lively interest in the plans and probable future of the two Annas. He also took a lively and solicitous interest in their present, and a profoundly sympathetic one in their past.

I found after a while that Lady Monksburn is English, and that Annas has spent much of her life in England. I wanted to know what part of England it was, and she said, "The Isle of Wight." "Why, then you do really come from the South!" cried I. "Do tell me something about it. Are there any agreeable people there? I mean, except you." Annas laughed.

It is good to hear Jane who for many years has been accustomed to having her own way in all household matters ordering breakfast. "Well, Sabz Ali what shall we have for breakfast to-morrow?" "Jessa mem-sahib arder!" with a friendly grin. "Then I shall have kidneys." "No kidney, mem-sahib! Kidney plenty money two annas six pice ek. Oh, plenty dear!" "I'm tired of eggs.

And how strange the talk sounded! They seemed to speak all their u's as if they were e's, and their a's the same. Annas laughed when I said that "take up the mat" sounded in the South like "teek ep the met." It really did, to me. "I suppose," said Flora, "our words sound just as queer to these people." "O Flora, they can't!" I cried. Because we say the words right; and how can that sound queer?

They lay their eggs on the sandbanks in numbers, and these fetch quite a big price, four annas each. I'd willingly sacrifice a night's sleep to see one come out of the water up the sand, and to "turn it" would make me feel at the Ultima Thule of the world abroad.

But conspicuous above all others is the Brahmin priest, attracting annas and rupees in devious ways from enthusiasts dazed by the realization that they have bathed in Mother Ganga some want a certificate of purity, others want seals placed on vessels of water to be carried to loved ones suffering from infirmities.

She plainly shrank from doing it. Perhaps he would help her to bear it best." "How should he be the best?" I said. "Mrs Raymond might " "Why, Cary, is it possible you do not know that Raymond and Miss Keith are troth-plight?" "Troth-plight! Mr Raymond! Annas!" I started up in my astonishment. Here was a turning upside down of all my notions!