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I had already selected him as a singularly eligible guardian for Alf's bullocks; and I knew that if I could once get him to accept the trust, nothing short of dynamite would shift him. But the seduction of a direct-action, single-cylinder purpose is a contract not to be taken by any of your mushroom mental firms; and this was a large order.

Alf was with him, and Carlen; and Carlen was Alf's wife, placid, contented wife, and fond and happy mother, so small ripples did there remain from the tempestuous waves beneath which Carl Lepmann's life had gone down.

"Alf's very late," said Mr. Teak, thickly. "Is he?" said his wife, dully. "Very late," said Mr. Teak. "I can't think Ah, there he is!" He took a deep breath and clenched 'his hands together. By the time Mr. Chase came into the room he was able to greet him with a stealthy wink. Mr. Chase, with a humorous twist of his mouth, winked back. "We've 'ad a upset," said Mr. Teak, in warning tones.

She arose and with an old-time courtesy bowed to me, and Guinea came forward and held out her hand, and she must have seen a sudden light leap into my eyes, for she said: "I am Alf's sister and yours, too." This came as a repulse to my heart's eager yearning; no sister's confidences could answer the call that my nature was shouting to her.

Nosey came out and apologised for the dog, and brought Nelson in to have some supper; and Nelson stayed till about twelve; but devil a squeak of the fiddle, or a line of a song, could he get out of Alf. But, as the boss says, Alf's only mad enough to know the difference between an eagle-hawk and a saw foolish expression, it seems to me. Best boundary man on the station, Alf is.

The apartment occupied by the young ladies was at the other corner of the bungalow; the servants, a good old couple, retainers in Alf's family, slept in a cottage adjoining. We retired manfully; we had smoked our last smoke, and were not a little fatigued; hence this readiness on our part to lay down the burdens and cares of the day.

Now," he cautiously lowered his voice, "in this house you've heard the Civil War spoken of as 'bad luck' and Alf's drinking spoken of as 'bad luck'" Susan dimpled, nodded thoughtfully. " And if Phil Carroll hadn't been whipped and bullied and coaxed and amused and praised for the past six or seven years, and Anna pushed into a job, and Jim and Betsy ruled with an iron hand, you might hear Mrs.

An altercation had ensued, followed by a summons; and Alf had been mulcted in five shillings trespass, with six guineas costs, besides having to travel seventy or eighty miles to Court, and the same distance back to his wagon. This was trying enough to a man of Alf's avaricious and irascible bent. It had caused him to speak a word in private to Mr.

With this the discomfited Mongol turned his horse in the direction of Mondunbarra homestead, and, like a driver starting an engine when there is danger of the belt flying off, gradually worked up his pace to a canter, leaving me in possession of the field. But in cases of this kind, there is only one thing worse than victory. I was fairly in a fix with Alf's bullocks.

Jenny, desperate, had her hands higher than her head, protestingly quelling the scene. In a loud voice she checked them. "Do ... not ... be ... fools!" she cried. "What's all the fuss about? Simply because Alf's a born booby, standing there like a fool! I can't go. I wouldn't go even if he wanted me. But he wants you!"