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"At this moment," she said, "I should like to hear speak only figures on tapestries which should say tender things, ancient and precious as themselves." And the handsome Prince, carried away by the flood of melody, sang. His voice displayed itself like a peacock's plumage, and died in spasms of "ohs" and "ahs."

She could not think so when she met the olden look she ahs missed so long, and wondering where he could be going, she arose to take her leave. He went with her to the door, and wrung her hand nervously, bidding her in heart a final farewell, for when they met again a great gulf would be between them, a gulf he had helped to dig, and which he could not ass.

Aside from commencement, the great event of their high school year was about to take place. As early as eight o'clock that morning the decorating committee of Weston High School was up and laboring manfully at the task of turning Weston's big gymnasium into a veritable bower of beauty, which should, in due season, draw forth plenty of admiring "Ohs!" and "Ahs!" from their gentle guests.

In answer to Vulcan's triumphant summons all the Olympians defiled before the lovers with ohs and ahs of stupefaction and gaiety. Jupiter said, "I think it is light conduct on your part, my son, to summon us to see such a sight as this." Then a reaction took place in favor of Venus.

"Seein' is believin', of a sartainty; ahs! me and some of us may see these things sooner than we thought. I comprehind your meanin' about Tamenund's father, Sarpent, and the idee's a close idee. Tamenund is now an elderly man, say eighty every day of it, and his father was scalped, and tormented, and burnt, when the present prophet was a youngster.

Toward the great critic, the painter exercised a cool self-restraint that was at least commendable. While Aaron King, with James Rutlidge and Mr. Taine, with carefully assumed interest, was listening to Louise's effort to make a jumble of "ohs" and "ahs" and artistic sighs sound like a description of a sunset in the mountains, Mrs.

A chorus of "ohs," and "ahs," and "dear mammas," went round the table. "It wouldn't cost more than living here," said David. "Not so much," said Miss Bethia. "And I am sure Mr Oswald would be delighted to have Charlotte and Sarah go, mamma," said Violet. "He would pay you the same as he'd pay to them at the other place, and he might be sure he would get the worth of his money," said Miss Bethia.

'Ah, who can tell how hard it is to climb The steep where Fame's proud temple shines afar! A more sensible exclamation than poets usually preface with their whining 'Ahs' and 'Ohs!" "What we are is nothing," pursued Madame Dalibard; "what we seem is much." Ardworth thrust his hands into his pockets and shook his head. The wise woman continued, unheeding his dissent from her premises,

March to recall with fond regret the old days in Italy when she first came abroad, and could make a whole carriage full of Italians break into ohs and ahs by saying that she was an American, and telling how far she had come across the sea. "Yes," March assented, "but that was a great while ago, and Americans were much rarer than they are now in Europe.

The children had all gathered round her, admiring her with loud ohs! and ahs! as if she were some wondrous incarnation, not to be too nearly approached, and on no account to be touched. The elaborate dressing of her hair would not allow of her stooping over them as usual.