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Least of all did he betray any recollection of Bill's ironical and gratuitous corroboration of this part of the story. "Nobody knows it," continued Johnson, in a nervous whisper, "nobody knows it but you and the agint in 'Frisco.

Johnson looked carefully around. "I hev, Tommy. Listen. I know whar thar's cartloads of it. But thar's only one other specimen the mate to this yer thet's above ground, and thet's in 'Frisco. Thar's an agint comin' up in a day or two to look into it. I sent for him. Eh?" His bright, restless eyes were concentrated on Tommy's face now, but the boy showed neither surprise nor interest.

"To be sure I will; an' what's betther, too; the Agint is a son of ould Misther Rogerson's, a man that knows you, an' the history o' them you came from, well. An', another thing, Owen! I tell you, whin it's abroad that you want to take the farm, there's not a man in the parish will bid agin you. You may know that yourself."

If 'tis me opinion 't w'u'd be best t' kape th' cat fer some time, I will kape it. Mike Flannery is th' ixpriss agint av this office, Tim, me bye, an' sh'u'd he be thinkin' 't w'u'd be best fer th' intherists av th' company t' kape a cat that is no longer livin', he will. There be manny things fer ye t' learn, Timmy, before ye know th' whole av th' ixpriss business, an' dead cats is wan av thim."

Irony, even of this outrageous quality, was too common in Angel's to excite either a smile or a frown. Bill slowly entered the bar-room during a dry, dead silence, in which only a faint spirit of emulation survived. "Ye didn't bring up that agint o' Rothschild's this trip?" asked the barkeeper, slowly, by way of vague contribution to the prevailing tone of conversation.

It's no use protistin, for I'm only an agint. So I'd loike yez to be honest wid me, an' I'll be the same wid you." "Why, you speak English first-rate in fact, splendid," said the delighted Russell. "I never heard a foreigner speak it so well before." "Sure an' it's aisy enough," said the chief; "as aisy as dhrinkin', whin ye have practice.

Rosha, put your cloak about you, and let us go down to the agint, or clerk, or whatsomever he is sure, that makes no maxin anyhow; I suppose he has power to give a resate. Jemmy, go to bed again, you're pale, poor bouchal; and, childhre, ye crathurs ye, the cows won't be taken from ye this bout. Come, in the name of God, let us go, and see-everything rightified at once hut, tut come."

But first friendship is like first love for the sweet taste it puts in the mouth. Niver but once in his life will a man's heart dance to that chune. 'Twas a small slip of a Saxon lad that it danced for then: a son av a cursed agint, that I should say it. But sorra a thought had I for the small boccawn's nationality nor for his own father's trade.

Would his double-barrel protect him, or the four dogs he has about him, that he sends sniffin' an' growlin' about the threes an' ditches. If the word wint out he wouldn't live a day, nor his agint nayther. An' his durty emergency men, that's posted like spies at the house beyant, could be potted any time they showed their noses. An' couldn't we starve thim out?

"If only 'e 'ad lived " repeated the engineer in a strange far-away tone, "Oo's 'e?" he asked eagerly. "You know old Abey Turner as keeps the little sweet-an'-tobaccer shop over to Dorton Ware?" pursued the stoker. "Old Abey is a agint for the Popular Thrifty Life Insurance Company " "I know 'e is," confirmed the engineer.