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At the usual evening hour the chapel bell began to toll, and Thomas Newcome's hands feebly beat time. And just as the last bell struck a peculiar sweet smile shone over his face, and he lifted up his head a little, and quickly said "Adsum!" and fell back.

It was addressed to her in a handwriting that was wholly unfamiliar, and carefully sealed with seals in black wax, that bore the impression of the word "Adsum." The princess looked keenly at the hunchback, who stood quietly before her with bent head in an attitude of respectful attention. "Do you know anything further respecting this package?" the princess asked. Lagardere shook his head.

Sunt lacrymae rerum; one has been moved in the cell where Socrates tasted the hemlock; or by the river-banks where Syracusan arrows slew the parched Athenians among the mire and blood; or, in fiction, when Colonel Newcome said Adsum, or over the diary of Clare Doria Forey, or where Aramis laments, with strange tears, the death of Porthos.

"The old man evidently thinks it takes a live Pierrepont to coax a dead one," and I laughed nervously as I entered the vast brown bedroom. I had to get on a chair in order to climb into the four-poster, a cheerful affair that looked like a royal funeral barge. At my head I noticed a carved device, seven mailed hands snatching at a sword with the motto: "CAVE ADSUM!" "Beware, I am here!"

COMMEMORO: 'I say over to myself'. In Cicero commemoro is a verb of speaking, and never has the meaning of recordor or memini. CURRICULA: see nn. on 33. MAGNO OPERE: better so written than in one word magnopere; so maximo, minimo, nimio opere. ADSUM AMICIS: 'I act as counsel to my friends'. This legal sense of adesse is common.

Colonel Newcome, when all his worldly possessions had gone from him, retired to Grey Friars the Charterhouse a retreat for "poor and decayed brethren," when the world seemed to afford no other asylum. There he passed the remainder of his days, and there he said "Adsum" when his name was called for the last time in this world.

His quick eye took in each boy as he uttered his "Adsum," dwelling longer on some than on others, and now and then turning his glance to the master and senior prefect. When it was all over and Ainger had handed in the list, the head-master took his eyeglass from his eye, laid the list on the desk before him, and said "Boys, this is an unusual and unpleasant visit.

"At the usual evening hour the chapel bell begin to toll, and Thomas Newcome's hands outside the bed feebly beat time and just as the last bell struck, a peculiar sweet smile shone over his face, and he lifted up his head a little, and quickly said, 'Adsum' and fell back.

He remonstrated in a somewhat hesitating voice. "Did you find that in the dictionary?" said he; "I thought affui came from adsum." "Oh, to be sure, stupid fool of a word, so it does!" said Tom hastily. "I had forgot adsum, ades, affui, adesse." Richard said no more, but proposed the word oppositus. "Adjective."

Then he rubbed the ring before him, whereupon the Jinni appeared, saying, "Adsum, O my lord! Ask what thou wilt and it shall be given thee. Hast thou a mind to people a ruined city or ruin a populous one? to slay a king or to rout a host?" "O Ra'ad," said Abd al-Samad, "this is become thy lord; do thou serve him faithfully."