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Updated: July 31, 2024

"Straight?" he echoed. "Yes, I dare say you will!" The news came as a distinct shock to him. He had not even entertained the possibility of undergoing an operation. Years ago he had had his adenoids removed, and the memory was by no means pleasant. All along he had told himself he would recover in time that was all he wanted.

Learn two or three amusing anecdotes about adenoids. Consult Bartlett's "Familiar Quotations" for appropriate verses dealing with tonsils and throat troubles. Finally, and above all, take time to glance through four or five volumes of Dr. Eliot's Five Foot Shelf, for nothing so completely marks the cultivated man as the ability to refer familiarly to the various volumes of the Harvard classics.

However impatient he may have been with her blandness he said readily: "Yes, guess I better do that. Excuse me a second. Like to meet your friends must be fine women and I might take a look and see how Hugh sleeps. Like to know how he breathes. Don't think he has adenoids, but I better make sure, eh?" He patted her shoulder.

In some, however, the passages in the nose are too small to carry the air without effort. On this account they let the mouth hang open and breathe through it. Face cut through the middle to show how the adenoids stop the air from passing through the nose. The air should pass only through the nose because it is lined with hairs and tiny waving threads which catch the dust.

"They have discovered that even incipient congenital idiocy can be cured by the removal of the adenoids. But I don't suppose such an operation will help you?" "Oh, don't tease a fellow," complained her friend. He reached for the throttle, then hesitated. Somewhere in the mist ahead was the throb of another engine. "Who's this?" muttered Chess.

A neglected attack, or series of attacks, of "snuffles," colds in the head, catarrhs, in infants and young children, will set up a slow inflammation of this glandular mass at the back of the nostrils a tonsil, by the way and start its enlargement. Whether we know anything about adenoids themselves or not, we are all familiar with their handiwork.

To talk of these maladies as diseases is rather misleading, for they are merely symptoms of perverted nutrition, but we are compelled to make the best of our medical language. Adenoids are due to indigestion. The indigestion is due to overeating. This is how it comes about: A child eats more than can be digested, generally bolting the food, which is often of a mushy character.

Now comes the cheerful side of the picture. I should have hesitated to draw at such full length and in such lugubrious detail the direful possibilities and injurious effects of adenoids if its only result could have been to arouse apprehensions which could not be relieved.

These swollen glands are called adenoids, and cause not only mouth-breathing, but deafness, loss of appetite, indigestion, headache, and a stupid, tired condition; so that children that are mouth-breathers are often two or more grades behind in school, poor students, and even stunted and undersized. You can often tell them at sight by their open mouths and vacant, stupid look.

In that case, also, relief through the surgeon's knife is sought and then the process is reversed: after the adenoids have been removed, the tonsils develop chronic catarrhal conditions. "When both tonsils and adenoids have been removed, the nasal membranes will, in turn, become congested and swollen.

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