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Judge Hobart expects Colonels Burr and Troup will make his suite to the October court, where he hopes to usher them, with all the eclat due to their merit. He counts the weeks, which he has now reduced to five. While the warmth of friendship animates his countenance, his heart swells with pride at the honour of patronising two such characters.

"Le brillant de votre esprit donne un si grand eclat a votre teint et a vos yeux, que quoiqu'il semble que l'esprit ne doit toucher que les oreilles, il est pourtaut certain que la votre eblouit les yeux."* Lettres de Madame de Sevigne.

"Shocking! shocking! all came to an eclat esclandre; a scene quite, last night, I am told, at my friend Lady Castlefort's. Sad sad so young a lady!

Thus it runs: From distant climes, o'er widespread seas, we come, Though not with much eclat or beat of drum; True patriots we, for be it understood, We left our country for our country's good. No private views disgraced our generous zeal, What urged our travels was our country's weal; And none will doubt, but that our emigration Has proved most useful to the British nation.

They sprang into fame; fourteen were returned to Parliament in one year. They called all the world freely to their discussions, and created eclat by the brillancy of their programme. The province kindled every village had its Institute!" "But 'sa-a-a-cr!" savagely ejaculated Zotique, and his eyes grew intense in their fierceness."

This was a portion of the programme for the evening, as arranged behind the scenes. The first part went off with wonderful eclat, and at its close there were loud cries for Pocahontas. She appeared for a moment. Bouquets were flung to her; and a wreath, which one of the young ladies had expected for herself in another part, was tossed upon the stage, and laid at her feet. The curtain fell.

The Khedive sent a special train to meet him on his return from Midian, and the Burtons went at once to Cairo, where they were received with great eclat. From Cairo the Burtons went back to Trieste, or rather to Opcina, for a brief rest, and then proceeded to London. From London they went to Dublin, where they joined the annual meeting of the British Association.

In surgery, having the least experience, and it being a business that spoke directly to the senses, he was most apt to distrust his own powers; but he had applied oils to several burns, cut round the roots of sundry defective teeth, and sewed up the wounds of numberless wood choppers, with considerable éclat, when an unfortunate jobber suffered a fracture of his leg by the tree that he had been felling.

The Major felt aggrieved; he had been very anxious to carry his first commission through triumphantly and with éclat. For the second time Harry Tristram was in his path. Harry rose. "That's all we can do to-day," he said. "We shall wait to hear from Mr Iver." "I really don't feel justified in putting such a proposition before him." "Oh, that's for you to consider," shrugged Harry.

But I had long foreseen that the first deposition should be effected with some éclat of voluntary glory. It would be very detrimental to the cause to see my special friend Crasweller hauled away to the college by constables through the streets of Gladstonopolis, protesting that he was forced to his doom twelve months before the appointed time.