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I went home with her from church Sunday night, and the smell of the goat on my clothes made her sick to her stummick, and she acted just like an excursion on the lake, and said if I didn't go and bury myself and take the smell out of me she wouldn't never go with me again. She was just as pale as a ghost, and the prespiration on her lip was just zif she had been hit by a street sprinkler.

Let a young fellow see his intended bride treated with cruelty, and you may be sure that, no matter what difficulties may be in the way, he will hasten at the very first opportunity to meet and carry off the sweet little fairy in spite of " "Das me an' my black darlin', zactly same zif you bin dar an' sawd us do it!" exclaimed Ebony, with beaming interest. "Just so," resumed Mark.

But as chance hab t'rown you in my way, it cannot be wrong to tell you what you knows a'ready dat I lub you, and dat, God permittin', I will return ere long to Buenos Ayres. Farewell. "Wid dat he wheel round, zif he was afraid to trust hisself to say more, an' went off at full gallop." "An' what did Miss Manuela say?" asked Susan.

"I feel dreffly," said Fly, curling her head under her brother's arm, like a chicken under its mother's wing a way she had when she was troubled. "I feel just zif I didn't love nobody in the world, and there didn't nobody love me." This brought Horace around in a minute, and called forth a pickaback ride. "Music! let us have music," said Aunt Madge, flying to the piano.

"Well, hims walk de plank like a man," continued Ebony, "hims dood eberyting like a man. An' w'en hims topple into de sea hims give sitch a most awful wriggle dat his bonds bu'sted. But hims berry sly, was Massa Zeppa amazin' sly. I t'ought him lie on's back zif him be dead.

And he abode, tille the damysele saughe the schadewe of him in the myrour. And sche turned hire toward him, and asked hym, what he wolde. And he seyde, he wolde ben hire limman or paramour. And sche asked him, zif that he were a knyghte. And he seyde, nay.

Stend up, Jowey, bo-oy. Godwin looked askance at his cousin, who stood with pert face, ready for any test. 'What's the date of William the Conqueror? he asked, mechanically. 'Ow! shouted the youth. 'Down't mike me larff! Zif I didn't know thet! Tensixsixtenightysivn, of course!

Aftre take also a drope of bawme, and put it in to a dissche or in a cuppe with mylk of a goat; and zif it be naturelle bawme, anon it wole take and beclippe the mylk.

"Well, no, p'r'aps not 'zactly dat, Sooz'n, but suffin wid de same meanin'. You know it i'n't possible for me to speak like dem. An' dey bof seemed to hab got deir go-to-meetin' langwidge on all stiff an' stuck up grammar, same zif dey was at school.

Dickman was a real gentleman, but, somehow, he couldn't stand the riveh. It sort of give him the malary, an' he got to thinking about salmon fishin' so he went to the Columbia. We parted real good friends, but the Mississippi's good 'nough for me, yes, indeed. I kind of feel zif I knowed hit, an' hit's real homelike." "It is lovely down here," Nelia remarked.