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"Morey show Afthen the coils, and explain it all to him. I've got to stay here." Morey rose, and diving through the weightless ship, went down to the power room, Zezdon Afthen following. Here, giant pots five feet high were in close packed rows.

They cannot cross to other worlds, save in small ships driven solely by fire, which the Thessians have called a 'hopelessly inefficient and laughably awkward thing to ride in." "Rockets," grinned Morey. "Our first ship was part rocket." Zezdon Fentes smiled. "But that is all. We have brought you warning, and our plea. Can you help us?" "We cannot answer that. The Interplanetary Council must act.

The Thessians, highly developed minds though they were, were not resistant and they had broken. The Allies, with their different horror-ideas, had been but slightly affected. "We will leave you on Ortol, Zezdon Fentes. We know you have done much, and perhaps your own mind has given a bit. We hope you recover. I think you agree with me, Zezdon Afthen and Inthel?" thought Arcot.

Your warning to Sentfenn was taken seriously, and they have vacated all planets near. It was the force field created when you destroyed Thett that threw you forward? Where are the others?" "Zezdon Afthen and Zezdon Inthel we took home, and dropped in their power suits, without landing. Stel Felso Theu as well. We will visit them later." "Have you eaten?

The single stranger was joined by a second, also holding a reversed weapon, and together they threw them down. Morey and Zezdon Afthen followed suit. The two parties advanced toward each other. The strangers advanced with a swift, light step, jumping from rock to rock, while Morey and Afthen flew part way toward them.

It'd tear loose even the lighting wires!" gasped Wade in amazement. "But if all the power of the ship was destroyed in this way, how was it that one of their rays was operating as they fell?" asked Zezdon Afthen. "Each ray is a power plant in itself," explained Arcot, "and so it was able to function.

If large, a touch of a switch, and they dodged to one side, if small, they were suddenly plunged into an instant of unbelievable radiation as they swept through it, in a different space, yet linked to it by radiation, not light, that were permitted in. Zezdon Afthen had elected to stay with him, which gave him an opportunity he had been waiting for.

They will certainly warn every other base, and have them install similar protection." "Why didn't you try the magnetic ray on our first attack?" asked Zezdon Afthen. "If it had worked, their sending apparatus would have been destroyed, and no message could have been sent to call their attackers off Fellsheh.

"I think, Earthman, that you are tired, and should rest, lest you make a tired thought and do great harm," suggested Zezdon Afthen. "I want to finish it!" replied Arcot, sharply. He was tired. In seconds the Thought was once more over that fortified station in the mountains and the triple-ray reached out and suddenly, about the ship, was a wall of absolute, utter blackness.

Other men had arrived, men whom he met in his work. But there were Venerians here, too, in their protective suits, insulated against the cold of Earth, and against its atmosphere. "First, though, gentlemen, allow me to introduce Stel Felso Theu of the planet Talso, one of our allies in this struggle, and Zezdon Afthen and Fentes of Ortol, one of our other allies.