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The directional devices quickly spotted it as emanating from the third planet of our system. Zezdon Fentes, with my aid, set up some special apparatus, which would pick up strong thoughts and make them visible. We had used this before to see not only what an enemy looked upon, but also what he saw in that curious thing, the eye of the mind, the vision of the past and the future.

"But how did the ship we captured operate?" asked Zezdon Afthen. "It was a very ingenious system, very closely related to ours, really. "We distort space and change the velocity characteristics; in other words, we distort the rate of motion through distance characteristics of normal space.

"Let's not all go out at once, and the first group to go out goes out on foot, so they won't be scared off by our flying around." Arcot, Wade, Zezdon Afthen, and Stel Felso Theu went out. The natives had retreated to a respectful distance, and were now standing about, looking on, chattering to themselves. They were edging nearer. "Growing bold," grinned Wade.

As a final test, Arcot, having finished the ship, suggested that the Venonian officer and one of the men of his ship have a trial of mental powers. Zezdon Afthen tried first, and between the two ships, racing along side by side at a speed unthinkable, the two men struggled with those forces of will. Quickly Zezdon Afthen told Arcot what he had learned.

"If it's none of my business, just say so," he began. "But that first city we saw the Thessians destroy it was Zezdon Fentes' home, wasn't it? Did he have a family?" The words seemed blunt as he said them, but there was no way out, once he had started. And Zezdon Afthen took the question with complete calm. "Fentes had both wives and children," he said quietly. "His loss was great."

"Lord you're right, Zezdon Afthen. I'm going to sleep," called Arcot. And the ship was suddenly far, far away from Thett. Morey took over, and Arcot slept. First Morey straightened the uninjured wall and ironed out the dents. "What, Morey, is the wall of Blackness?" asked Stel Felso Theu. "It's solid matter. A thing that you never saw before.

"Ortol developed a ray of light that made things not happen," explained Zezdon Afthen, his confused thoughts clearly indicating his own uncertainty. "'A ray of light that made things not happen," repeated Wade curiously.