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They could not compete with the heavier ships, and now the frequent flaming bursts of light that told of a ship caught in the new deadly ray showed another danger. "I think Earth is lost if you cannot aid it soon, Arcot, for other Thessian ships are coming," said Stel Felso Theu softly.

Your warning to Sentfenn was taken seriously, and they have vacated all planets near. It was the force field created when you destroyed Thett that threw you forward? Where are the others?" "Zezdon Afthen and Zezdon Inthel we took home, and dropped in their power suits, without landing. Stel Felso Theu as well. We will visit them later." "Have you eaten?

It is terrible to wait, wait, wait and think of what may be happening in that other time. Is there nothing we can do to help? I know our hopeless ignorance of your science. Stel Felso Theu can scarcely understand the thoughts you use, and I can scarcely understand his explanations! I cannot help you there, with your calculations, but is there nothing I can do?" "There is, Ortolian, decidedly.

These men may have weapons of chemical nature, such as poisons injected into the flesh on small sticks hurled either by a spring device or by pneumatic pressure of the lungs," said Stel Felso Theu as he rose from his seat unstrapping himself. "Arrows and blow-guns we call 'em. But it's a good idea, Stel Felso, and I think we will," replied Arcot.

Then he placed his friends behind a screen of relux, and increased the radiation of the globe tremendously. The heat became intense, and he stopped the radiation. "No, Stel Felso Theu, we do not have this on our world," Arcot said. "You do not have it!

In the small improvements Arcot had instituted in Stel Felso Theu's device, he had really merely followed the particular branch that Stel Felso Theu had stumbled upon. Hence it was impossible to determine with any great variety, the type of matter created. Now, however, Arcot could make any known kind of matter, and many unknown kinds. But now came the greatest problem of all.

Even this ship couldn't maintain its walls of energy against that!" declared Stel Felso Theu, awed by the thought. "But that same power would be backing this ship, and helping it to support its wall. We would operate from half a million miles." "We will. If we are destroyed so is Thett, and all the worlds of Thett.

We have to use altitude suits, as the Negrians breathe an atmosphere of hydrogen instead of oxygen," explained Arcot rapidly to the Ortolian and the Talsonian who were to accompany him. "We will all want to go, and so, although this suit will be decidedly uncomfortable for you and Zezdon Afthen and Stel Felso Theu, I think it wise that you all wear it.

By forcing them to recall their fleet I got results I couldn't get by attacking the fleet," Arcot said. "I think there is little more I can do here, Stel Felso Theu. I will take you to Shesto, and there make final arrangements till my return, with apparatus capable of overthrowing your enemies. If you wish to accompany me you may." He glanced around at the others of his party.

Stel Felso Theu took the backplate of the control cabinet off, and the terrestrians looked at the control with interest. "Got it, Morey?" asked Arcot after a time. "Think so. Want to try making it up? We can do so out of spare junk about the ship, I think. We won't need the tube if what I believe of it is true." Arcot turned to the Talsonian. "We wish you to accompany us to the ship.